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Modification of Nanostrructures Ahm
met ÇOLAK Characterization
n of Monophenolase Acctivity From a Wild Edib
ble Mushroom Russula d
delica Ainee D. BLANCHARD Fidelity Index ass Quantitation of Star A
Activity Used In The Engineering of High Fidelityy Restriction Endonucleeases Alexxander RODRÍGUEZ Human Recomb
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pressed in Pichia pastorris Alexxey FOMENKOV A Bacterial Screening System for 5mC‐sspecific DNA Glycosylasses Ali ZZEYTÜNLÜOĞLU Conversion of Trypsin to a Copper Enzyyme:Tyrosinase by Chemical Modification Alpeer AKKAYA n Studies of Catalase‐Peeroxidase Based Biosen
nsor for 5‐ASA Measurement Characterization
Alpeer AKKAYA Pyranose Oxidase (P2O) Produced From
m Agricultural Residuess by T. versicolor and Usse in Biosensing System
ms Alpeer T. AKARSUBAŞI MnP‐Less Mutants via UV Mutagenesis in Bjerkkandera adusta (Willden
now) P. Karsten Production of M
na Catarina SOUSA Coupling Reactions Between Substituteed Aromatic Amines Ussing Bacterial CotA‐Lacccase as Biocatalyst Aslı CERİT owave Exposure on Cataalase Activity Effects of Micro
Aslı GÖÇENOĞLU Cinnabarinic Acid and Laccase Production by Pycnoporus cinnabarinus AYSSE DİNÇER Use of Lipoxygeenase Biosensor as an Electrochemical Biodetector for Caffeic Acid Ayten SAĞIROĞLU BD Oxygen Biosensor Based Dry Probio
otic Bacterium for Determination of Phenolic C
Compounds Ayten SAĞIROĞLU ound Motion During Yogurt Production From M
Milk Using Dry Probioticc Bacterium Phenolic Compo
Barçın KARAKAŞ Expression and Characterization of Baccillus subtilis α‐Amylasee in Pichia pastoris ma ÖZBEK Belm
me Stability Effects of Pretreeatments on Corn Gluteen Hydrolysis and Enzym
ma ÖZBEK Kinetics of Corn Gluten Hydrolysis by A
Alcalase Biraj THAKKAR Enzyme Based Production of Biofuels Using Cellulose Rich Biomass:2nd Generation Biofuel Burcu OKUTUCU Galactose Imprinted Polymer as an Matrix for the Immobilization of α‐Galactosidases Burcu SAYGIDEĞER DEMİR Purification and Characterization of Lipase From Spirulina platensis Caglar OZDEMİR Electrochemical Glucose Biosensing by Pyranose Oxidase Immobilized in Au‐Nanoparticle/AgCl @ Polyaniline‐Gelatin Hybrid Material Carolina AGUİRRE Modeling the Effect of Internal Diffusional Restrictions with Immobilized Penicillin Acylase Carolina AGUİRRE Partition and Substrate Concentration Effect in the Enzymatic Synthesis of Cephalexin in Aqueous Two‐Phase Systems Ç. Acar İÇHEDEF Glucuronide Derivates of D‐Penicillamine and Radiolabelling Çağrı. ALTUG Optimization Studies of Catalase‐Peroxidase Based Biosensor for 5‐Asa Measurement Dae‐Hwan Kim Production of Flavonoid Glucoside Using Fusion Protein with UDP‐Glucose Recycling Deniz AKTAŞ UYGUN Porcine Lipase Immobilization Onto Hydrophobic Group Incorporated Poly(2‐Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Based Nanospheres Deniz AKTAŞ UYGUN Preparation of New Generation Monosize Nanospheres and Its Usage For Biomolecule Adsorption Deniz CAPARKAYA On The Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Anemonia sulcata var.smaragdina and Anemonia rustica From Turkish Coastlines of Aegean Sea Deniz CAPARKAYA The Stimulating Of Antioxidant Enzymes in Some Commercial Seeds Through Seaweed Extract Deniz YİLDİRİM Immobilization Of Pseudomonas Sp. Lipase Onto Florisil Via Polysuccinimide Diğdem ERDENER Lantibiotics: Insight and Foresight for New Paradigm Dilek ALAGÖZ Egg White as Support for Catalase Immobilization Dilek KILIÇ APAR Kinetics of Wheat Gluten Hydrolysis by Alcalase Dilek KILIÇ APAR Corn Gluten Hydrolysis by Neutrase: Kinetics of Hydrolysis and Solubilization Dilek ODACI Glucose Biosensing by Pyranose Oxidase Biosensors Modified with Nanoparticles Dragomirescu Monica Cristina Sol‐Gel Entrapment of Bacillus licheniformis CMIT 1.33 Proteases Elçin DEMİRHAN Covalent Conjugation of β‐Galactosidase Enzyme with Copolymers of Acrylic Acid and N‐Vinylpyrrolidone‐2 Elçin DEMİRHAN Covalent Conjugation of β‐Galactosidase Enzyme with Polyacrylic Acide Elif Yilmaz OZMEN Use of Various Immobilization Techniques Onto Sporopollenin for Lipase Immobilization Emine YORGANCI Development of Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme Sensor Based On Self Assembled Monolayer for Determination of 4‐Nitrophenyl Emine YORGANCI Development of Sarcosine Oxidase Enzyme Sensor Based on Self Assembled Monolayer for Determination of Sarcosine Emir ÖZÇALIŞKAN Immobilization of Catalase From Bovine Liver on Epoxy‐Activated Sepabead EC‐EP by Covalent Attachment Emre ERDEN Biobleaching of Cotton Fabrics by Pyranose Oxidase From Trametes versicolor Encarnación Jurado Alameda Effect of Different Stabilizers on the Interfacial Deactivation of a Commercial Lipase From Thermomyces lanuginosus Engin ASAV A Bienzymic–Tetrathiafulvalene Biosensor Based on Self‐Assembled Monolayer Modified Au Electrode for Alcohol and Glucose Detection Esen TAŞKIN Production of Pectin Lyase From Geobacillus stearo thermophilus, Purification and Characterization and Fruit Juice Application Esra UÇKUN Maximization of Xylo‐Oligosaccharide Production From Agricultural Wastes Evran BIÇAK ÇELEM Immobilization and Stabilization of α‐Galactosidase on Aminated Sepabeads (Sepabead EA and Sepabead HA) Evran BIÇAK ÇELEM Immobilization of Tomato α‐Galactosidase on Galactose Imprinted Polymer and Properties of the Immobilized Biocatalyst Farzaneh Farivar Suicide‐Peroxide Inactivation of Hemin in Reverse Nanomicelles of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Fatih Mehmet IPEK Proteomic Study of Light Responses in Rhodospirillum centenum Fatma YENI L‐Amino Acid Oxidase Biosensor Based on Pamam Dendrimer / Cysteamine Modified Gold Electrode Funda KARTAL Carrier Free Immobilization of Rhizopus oryzae Lipase Funda ÖZMEN The Optimization of Cinnabarinic Acid Production From Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Gabriela Preda Silica Gels as Hosts for Microbial Cells Gökhan DURUKSU Expression of Truncated b‐Mannanase of Aspergillus fumigatus in Pichia pastoris Gül ÖZYILMAZ Candida rugosa and Porcine Pancreatic Lipase Immobilization into Calcium Alginate Gel and Using for Aroma Esters Güliz AK The Effect of Pre‐Treatment with Substrates on Activities of Immobilized Lipase Gülnur ARABACI Effect of Anti‐Browning Agents and Metals on Two Different Plant Polyphenol Oxidases Gülnur ARABACI Some Properties of Catalase From Cucurbita Seed (Cucurbita maxima ) and Inhibitors Gülşah ŞANLI Molecular Cloning, Over Expression and Characterization of Thermostable Esterases Isolated From Balçova (Agamemnon) Geothermal Site in Turkey Hatice ARDAĞ AKDOĞAN Biodegradation of a New Bisazo Dye by Trametes versicolor Heejin Bae Characterization of Dna Polymerase From the Hyperthermophilic Archaea Thermococcus marinus and Its Application to PCR Huiying Luo Optimization for Secretion, Gene Cloning, Heterologous Expression and Characterization of Glycoside Hydrolases of the Acidophilic Fungus Bispora Sp. MEY‐1 Hulya YAGAR Stability and Properties of Artichoke Polyphenol Oxidase Entrapped Alginate‐Carrageenan Gels Hülya AKDEMİR Purification of Recombinant Penicillin Acylases Originated From the Wild Type or Altered Expression Casettes and Characterization of the Enzyme Hülya TORUN Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) and Phenolic Characterization of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.‘Kadife’) Fruit Throughout Ripening Hyo Jin Kang Thrombin‐Activatable Soluble Caspase‐3 Precursors Expressed in E. coli Inci OZDEMİR Enzymes From Extremely Thermophilic Microorganisms for Biomass Deconstruction Irfan TURHAN Ethanol Production From Carob Extract by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Irfan TURHAN Lactic Acid Production From Carob Extract by Lactobacillus casei Irmak ŞAH The Optimization of Penicillin Acylase Production From Recombinant E.coli Strains in a Multiple Bioreactor System Isil AKSAN KURNAZ In Silico Predictions on The Engineering of the Hypoxia Pathway İlknur DEMİR Synthesis of Antiestrogen Glucuronide Compound (TAM‐G) Joanna Cabaj Highly Sensitive Sensors Based on Phenoloxidases İmmobilized in Lb Layers Justyna Czarnecka Application of Glucosamine‐6‐Phosphate Synthase for the Formation of D‐Glucosamine Derivatives Kosum Chansiri Purification and Characterization of Organic Solvent and Detergent Tolerant Lipase From Thermotolerant Bacillus licheniformis RN2 Kouichi Utsumi Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Fabry Disease: Morphologic and Histochemical Changes in the Urinary Sediments. Kübra ÖZMEN Synthesis of (DES‐P) and Labeling with Levent CAVAS On the Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Anemonia sulcata var.smaragdina and Anemonia rustica From Turkish Coatlines of Aegean Sea Levent CAVAS The Stimulating of Antioxidant Enzymes in Some Commercial Seeds Through Seaweed Extract M. Çiğdem UÇAR The Role of Laccase Produced by Pycnoporus cinnabarinus on Phenol Biodegradation Maria Yu. Zakharova Anthrax Lethal Factor. Substrate Recognition Studied By Combinatorial and Pre‐Steady State Kinetic Approaches Melike ÇAĞLAYAN Thermophilic DNA Polymerase‐I From Geobacillus kaue Mihaela Badea Electrochemical Biosensors Based on Enzymes Entrapped in Sol‐Gel Silica Matrices Mihaela Badea Enzyme‐Nanostabilization Via AOT‐Isooctane Reverse Micelles Matrices Mihaela Carmen Cheregi Sensitive Mercury(II) Determination in Food Based on β‐Galactosidase Inhibition Mine N. KERİMAK ÖNER Purification and Characterization of a Serin Alkaline Protease From a Newly Isolated Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp. GMBE 72 99m
Tc Mohamed GARGOURI Evolution of the Lipoxygenase and Hydroperoxide Lyase Activities During Olive Fruit Ripening and Assessment of Their Activation During Malaxation Mohamed GARGOURI New Analytical Method Using Coupled Enzymes for Determination of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content in Oil Muhammad Ishtiaq Ali Production, Purification & Characterization of Alkaline Protease From Bacillus subtilis Murat UYGUN Immobilization of α‐Amylase Onto PVA‐Alginate Beads Naime AKBAŞOĞLU Fungi Mediated Enantioselective Hydroxylation of Aromatic Ketones Nedim TETİK Enzymes Used in Beverage Industry Nedim TETİK Use of Laccases in the Food Industry Nevra ÖZTÜRK Newly Synthesized Nanobeads for High Capacity of DNA Binding Nevra ÖZTÜRK Preparation and Usability of Ni(II)‐Attached Methacryloylamidoglutamic Acid Functionalized Nano‐p(2‐Hydroxyethylmethacrylate) Nanospheres for Urease Immobilization Nilay ALTAŞ KIYMAZ Optimization and Partial Purification of β‐Galactosidase From Hypocrea jecorina QM9414 Nurçin ÇELİK ÖZTÜRK Effect of Cu Ions on the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Protease Nurdagül ORHAN The Effect of Different Carbon Sources to Induction of Pullulanase From Hypocrea jecorina Qm9414 Oxana Durova Covalent Catalysis By Artificial Enzymes Selected From Human Synthetic V Gene Library Ömer İrfan KÜFREVİOĞLU Detection of the Kinetic Behaviors of HDL‐Associated Enzyme PON1 Against Some Salicylic Acid Derivatives Ömer İrfan KÜFREVİOĞLU Analyzing the Expression Patterns of Some Genes Belonging to Alanine and Aspartate Pathways Using in situ Hybridization on Mouse Embryo Özal MUTLU Analysis of The Enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase Among the Apicomplexan parasites Özge KOZGUŞ A Biosensor System Based on the Inhibition of Ascorbate Oxidase Immobilized with Conducting Polymer Özlem AKKAYA Improvement of the Penicillin Acylase (PA) Production in the Mutants Bearing the Alterations on the Shine‐Dalgarno Sequence (SD) or in the Spacer Region Between SD and Initiation Codon Özlem ALPTEKİN Characterization and Application of Catalase Immobilized Onto Eupergit C Özlem FAİZ Characterization of a Highly Thermo‐ and Ph‐Stable Recombinant Esterase From Geobacillus caldoxylolyticus Tk4 Expressed in Escherichia coli Özlem FAİZ Purification and Characterization of D‐Xylose Isomerase From Geobacillus caldoxylolyticus Tk4 Peruze AYHAN Benzaldehyde Lyase (BAL) Mediated Acyloin Reactions of Functionalized Acetaldehyde Pornpimon Kanjanavas Purification and Characterization of the Alkalophilic and Organic Solvent Tolerant Endo‐1,4‐β‐ Mannanase From Thermotolerant Bacillus licheniformis THCM 3.1 Reyhan YEŞİLAĞAÇ Chemical and Enzymatic Synthesis of 8‐Hydroxyquinoline Glucuronide, Labeling With I, in vitro Investigation of Biological Influence on Cancer Cell Line 2+ 125
S.Seda GÜNEŞ Superoxide Dismutase Determination in Some Microalgae Sang J. Chung Cascade Enzyme‐Linked Immunosorbent Assay (CELISA) SEÇİL ÖNAL Partitioning and Purification of Tomato Invertase in Poly(Ethylene Glycol) and Sodium Sulfate Aqueous Two‐Phase Systems Seda ERYILMAZ Purification of Serum Paraoxonase (PON1) From Saanen Goat (Capra hircus) and Investigation of in vitro Inhibition by Some Pesticides SELMA ATEŞ Properties of Immobilized Pal Enzyme and Its Utilization for Prediagnosis of Phenylketonuria Serap EVRAN Establishment of Phosphoribosyl Anthranilate Isomerase Activity on the Protein Scaffold of the α‐Subunit of Tryptophan Synthase Sevinc TUNCAGİL A biosensor Based on 1‐(4‐nitrophenyl)‐2,5‐di(2‐thienyl)‐1H Pyrrole SNSNO2 Sezer GÖYCINCIK The Enzymatic Oxidation Reactions of Natural and Synthetic Substrates Shuang‐yong Xu Cloning and Expression of Restriction Endonucleases AgeI (A/CCGGT), BsawI (W/CCGGW), and BsrfI (R/CCGGY) Şenol ALPAT Determination Hydrogen Peroxide in Milk Samples by Catalase Biosensor Şule PEKYARDIMCI Immobilization of Apricot Pectinesterase (Prunus armeniaca L.) on Porous Glass Beads and Its Characterization Tatjana Romaskevic Enzyme ‐ Gold Nanoparticles Bioconjugates by Tethering to Polyurethane Microparticles Yakup KOLCUOĞLU Enzymatic Characterization of a Maltogenic Amylase From Geobacillus caldoxylolyticus TK4 Expressed in Escherichia coli Yaru Wang Optimization for Secretion, Gene Cloning, Heterologous Expression and Characterization of Glycoside Hydrolases of the Acidophilic Fungus Bispora Sp. MEY‐1 Yonca AVCI DUMAN Effects of Solvatocromic Parameters of Water Miscible Aprotic Solvents on Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrolysis of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Protease with Casein Yonca AVCI DUMAN Effects of Solvatocromic Parameters of Water Miscible Monoalcohols on Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrolysis of Bacillus clausii Gmbae 42 Serine Alkaline Protease With Casein Zerrin Zerenler ÇALIŞKAN The Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Some Indole Derivatives