Psychotherapy Approaches
Copyright © 2007 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
What is psychotherapy?
Today, How many psychotherapy systems exist?
What can be the factors that contribute to change in
Growth & Confusion
Field of psychotherapy fragmented by future shock &
staggered by over-choice; ≥ 400 systems of
psychotherapy today
Developers of systems often claim superior
effectiveness without controlled research
Fragmentation & confusion are reduced by a
comparative analysis of psychotherapy systems
Comparative analysis requires an understanding of each
& an©overarching,
2007 Brooks/Cole, a division
of Thomson Learning,
Defining Psychotherapy
The informed & intentional application of
clinical methods & interpersonal stances,
derived from established psychological
principles, for the purpose of assisting
people to modify their behaviors,
cognitions, emotions, &/or other personal
characteristics in directions that the
participants deem desirable.
Copyright © 2007 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
Prevalence of Theoretical
Copyright © 2007 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
In scientific usage, a consistent perspective
on human behaviour, psychopathology, &
mechanisms of therapeutic change
Theories describe clinical phenomena, delimit
& organise mass of information, & integrate it
all into knowledge that directs psychotherapy
Good clinicians are flexible, & good theories
are widely applicable
Her zaman en doğru olanı yapmalıyım.
-meli -malı tarzı düşünce
Hiçbir şeyin doğru düzgün yapamıyorum.
Aşırı genelleme
Annem üzüldüğümü görürse çok üzülecek.
Falcılık, Felaketleştirme
18 yaşında sevgilisi ile öpüştüğü için hala suçluluk
Suçluluk hisleri yüzünde babasını mezarını ziyaret
Duygularını kimseye göstermeme
Oğluna yeterinde bakım veremediğini düşünme
Kusurluluk, Duyguları bastırma, Yüksek standartlar
Therapeutic Commonalities
Everbody has won and all
must have prizes.
Dodo bird verdict
Alice in Wonderworld
Therapeutic Commonalities
Common (nonspecific) factors shared by all
psychotherapies & not specific to any one.
Largely neglected by theories as centrally
important, but research suggests they are:
Most consensual common factors: client’s
positive expectations & facilitative therapy
Positive Expectations
• Positive expectations frequently correlate with
positive outcomes
• Responsible for up to 1/3 of successful
psychotherapy • Necessary but not sufficient for treatment
• An active, common ingredient in all forms of
Positive Expectations
Psychotherapy > Placebo > Kontrol group
Therapeutic Relationship
12%+ of psychotherapy outcome due to
therapeutic relationship
Accounts for second largest proportion of
outcome behind client contribution
Its relative importance remains controversial:
range from the essential process of change to
helpful precondition of change
Therapeutic Alliance
Therapeutc alliance according to Bordin (1979):
Agreement on the Goals of the treatment
Agreement on the tasks
Development of a personal bond
Rogers’ Facilitative
•Therapist is congruent or genuine
•Therapist relates with (unconditional) positive
•Therapist expresses accurate empathy
Hawthorne Effect
• People improve as a result of having special attention paid
to them
• Psychotherapist gives special, undivided
attention to client
• 50% of public-speaking phobias show improvement
following attention placebo
• Placebo groups are used to control for Hawthorne effect
Specific Factors
• In addition to common factors,
psychotherapies have factors relatively
specific to them
• Psychotherapists cannot practice
“nonspecifically” – they say & do specific
• Processes of change are specific or unique
contributions of therapy systems
Processes of Change
A middle level of abstraction between global theories &
specific techniques
Awareness or Insight Therapies: Processes of Change
Consciousness Raising
• Experiential level: Feedback
• Environmental level: Education
• Experiential level: Corrective emotional
• Environmental level: Dramatic relief
• Experiential level: Self-liberation
• Environmental level: Social liberation
Action or Behavioral Therapies: Processes of Change
Conditional Stimuli
• Experiential level: Counterconditioning
• Environmental level: Stimulus control Contingency control
• Experiential level: Reevaluation
• Environmental level: Contingency
Therapeutic Content
Content to be changed is largely a carry- over from
system’s theory of personality & psychopathology
Distinction between process & content is fundamental •
Theories of personality & psychopathology tell us what is
changed; theories of process tell us how change occurs
Therapeutic Content I
Intrapersonal conflicts
Anxieties & defences
Self-esteem problems
Personal responsibility
Therapeutic Content II
Interpersonal conflicts
• Intimacy and sexuality
• Communication
• Hostility
• Control of others
Therapeutic Content III
Individuo-social conflicts
• Adjustment vs. transcendence
• Impulse control
Therapeutic Content IV
Beyond conflict to fulfilment
•Meaning in life
•The ideal person
Case of Rain
47 yaşında kadın danışan
47 yaşında kadın danışan, 6 çocuğu var. Arlene(17),
Barry(15), Charles(13), Debra(11), Ellen(9), Frederick(7)
Temizlik, Biriktirme, Cinsellik/Din, Kontrol
Günde 25-30 kez yaklaşık 5-10 dakika el yıkayıp, 2 saat
banyo yapıyor. İç çamaşırları sadece 1 kez giyilip atılıyor.
Evi çöp ev olmuş. Öz bakımı düşmüş (7 yıldır alışveriş
yapmamış). Çocuklarını yıkanmaya zorluyor, eve arkadaş
davet edemiyorlar. Cinsel uyarılma bozukluğu var. Depresif
belirtileri var. Psikotik şüphesi elenmiş.
Case of Rain
10 yıl önce en büyük kızı okuldan grip geliyor ve kıl
kurtları döküyor. Bütün aileye kendisi de dahil bu grip
bulaşıyor ve hepsine bakmak zorunda kalıyor. Doktor
tüm çamaşırların kaynatılması ve önlem alınması
konusunda uyarıyor. Rain’in kaygıları çok artıyor ve
hastalık geçtikten sonra da bu kaygılar devam ediyor.
6 yıl başarısız tedavi süresi geçiriyor. Eşiyle 2 senedir
araları çok bozuk eşini de banyo ritüellerine katıyor.
Sabahları bu ritüelleri eksiksiz gerçekleştirebilmek
için çok erken saatte uyanıyor. Çocuklarıyla ilişkileri
de kötü sürekli yıkanmalarını istiyor .
Case of Rain
Katolik, tutucu ve cinsel konuların konuşulmasına
izin verilmeyen bir aile.
Baba çok otoriter, kızlarının fikirlerini söylemesine
tahammül edemeyen bir yapıda.
Çocuklarını sürekli takip edip sorgulayan bir baba.
Anne soğuk ve saplantılı bir kadın.
Cinselliğin kötü ve iğrenç bir şey olduğunu
Kızlarını temiz olmaları konusunda sürekli