MEU INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES COURSE SYLLABUS Course title- course code: The Techniques Programme name: Department of Analytical in NMR Spectroscopy - (EAK 511) Chemistry, Master of SCI Programme MASTER OF SCI (Msc) X Level DOCTORATE (PhD) PREREQ. PREP. Hours/week Ther. Recite.Lab. And cre dit 2 Language - - Others Total - - MEU Credit 2 ECTS Credit 2 Turkish Compulsory / Elective Prerequisites Msc or PhD student Course Contents Nuclear spin and resonance, The measurement of spectra, The chemical shift, Factors affecting the chemical shift, Spin-spin coupling, Spin systems, Dynamic NMR spectroscopy and The techniques in NMR spectroscopy; HETCOR, COSY and NOE Course Objectives Learning Outcomes and Competences Textbook and /or References To explain the principle of NMR spectroscopy and the techniques in NMR Complete to the criteria for to pass in the exams Williams H. D., Fleming I. “Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry”. Fourth Edt. Revised, McGraw-Hill Book Company, England, 1989. Balcı M. “Nükleer manyetik rezonans Spektroskopisi”. ODTU Gelistirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve Iletişim A.S. Firstly Ed. Ankara, 2000. Skoog D.A., HollerF.J., Nieman T.A. “Enstrümantal Analiz Ilkeleri” Trans. Edit. Kılıç E., Köseoğlu F., Yılmaz H. Fifth Ed. Saunders Golden Sunburst Series, Philadephia, 1991. Laboratory Work Assessment Crite ria Other Committee Exam Instructors Prof. Dr. H. Ali DONDAS e-mail X 100 Course Content Week 1 Nuclear spin and resonance Week 2 Nuclear spin and resonance Week 3 The measurement of spectra Week 4 The measurement of spectra Week 5 The chemical shift Week 6 The chemical shift Week 7 Factors affecting the chemical shift Week 8 Spin systems Week 9 Spin-spin interaction Week 10 Dynamic NMR spectroscopy Week 11 The techniques in NMR spectroscopy HETCOR, COSY and NOE Week 12 The techniques in NMR spectroscopy HETCOR, COSY and NOE Week 13 Interpretation of NMR spectroscopy on the combined structure problems Week 14 Interpretation of NMR spectroscopy on the combined structure problems