Curriculum Vitae İBRAHİM HALİL SUGÖZÜ I. Personal Rank

Curriculum Vitae
I. Personal
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital status
Working Address:
Tel No
Associate Professor of Economics,
Sirnak University
May 23, 1978
Elazığ, Turkey
Married with two children
Şırnak Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 73000,
Şırnak, Türkiye
(Sirnak University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences, 73000, Sirnak, Turkey)
(+90) 486 2168250
(+90) 212 2119921
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Experience:
Associate Professor of Economics, Sirnak University, Sirnak, Turkey, 2012-present
Visiting Scholar, Wayne State University, Detroit, US, 2012
Assistant Professor of Economics, Sirnak University, Sirnak, Turkey, 2009- 2012
Research Assistant - Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 1999 –2009
Ph.D. in Economics - Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 2008
Master of Science in Economics - Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 2002
Bachelor of Public Administration - Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 1999
B. Administrative Experience:
January 2015
Member of the Senate of Sirnak University, 2010- 2014
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2013-2014
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2009- 2011
Chair in Economics, 2014-present
Head of the Major Field of Economic Theory, 2009-present
Deputy Head of the Major Field of Economic Development and International Economics,
University Coordinator of Farabi Program, Sirnak University, 2009-present
Chairman of the Bologna Coordination Comission of Sirnak University, 2009- 2009
Member of the Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences, 2009-present
Member of the Committee of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Member of the Executive Board of the Institute of Social Sciences, 2009-present
Member of the Board of Employment Committee of Sirnak, 2009-2013
City Coordinator of Face-to-Face Academic Advising Program, Eskisehir Anadolu
University, 2009-present
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Courses
"Introduction to Economics" (Department of Economics and others, 2009- present)
"Mat for Economics" (Department of Economics and others, 2009-2010)
"Microeconomics" (Department of Economics, 2010- present)
"Macroeconomics " (Department of Economics and others, 2010- present)
"Government Debts " (Department of Economics, 2010- present)
"Underground Economy " (Department of Economics, 2010- present)
"International Economics " (Department of Economics, 2012- 2013)
"Computer Technology I-II" (Department of Economics and others, 2010-2011)
"E-Commerce" (Department of Economics and others, 2012- present)
"Turkish Tax System" (Vocational School, 2010-2013)
"Public Finance" (Vocational School, 2010-2013)
IV. Publications
A. Books
İ.H.Sugözü, “Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi ve Türkiye (Underground Economy and Turkey)”,
Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 2010.
İ.H.Sugözü, "Devlet Borçları IMF - Dünya Bankası ve Türkiye (Government Debts IMF
- Worldbank and Turkey)", Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, R. Demir, M. Kaplan, K. Donuk, F. Esmeray “Bilgisayar Teknolojisi ve
Temel Yazılımlar (Computer Technology and Basic Software)", Nobel Yayınevi,
Ankara, 2011
İ.H.Sugözü, S. Demir, “İnternet Teknolojisi ve Elektronik Ticaret (Internet Technology
and Electronic Commerce)", Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 2011
January 2015
B. Published Papers
İ.H.Sugözü, S.Erdoğan, E.Polat, "Twin Deficits in Turkey: An Econometric
Application for the Term of 1990-2009", Energy Education Science and Technology
Part B: Social and Educational Studies 2011 Volume (issue) 3(4): 681-690
M.Mucuk, İ.H.Sugözü, "Sectoral Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus
in Turkey", Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational
Studies 2011 Volume (issue) 3(4): 441-448
A.Ay, N. Köse, İ.H.Sugözü, “Vergi Yükü Değişmelerin Kayıt Dışı Ekonomiye Etkisinin
Simetrikliği Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Türkiye Örneği (1968-2001) (An Investigation on the
Asymmetric Response of the Underground Economy to Tax Changes: the Case of
Turkey (1968-2001))”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, Yıl:20, Sayı:233, pp.52-61,
İ.H.Sugözü, "Son Borç Krizi ve Türkiye'nin Borçluluk Durumu", (The Recent Debt
Crisis and Turkey Debt Status) Prof. Dr. Halil Seyidoğlu'na Armağan Finansal Kriz
Yazıları, Derleyen: İrfan Kalaycı, Nobel Yayınevi, Aralık 2010, ss.209-232
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Çetinkaya, "Küresel Finansal Kriz ve Borç Krizi", (Global Financial
Crisis and The Debt Crisis) Küresel Ekonomik ve Finansal Kriz, Ed. Murat Çetinkaya,
Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 2011
A.Ay, İ.H.Sugözü, S.Erdoğan,” Türkiye’de Vergi Yükünün, Enflasyonun ve Vergi Affı
Beklentisinin Kayıt Dışı Ekonomiye Etkisi Üzerine Ampirik Bir Uygulama (1985-2012)”,
(An Empirical Application On The Effects of Tax Burden, Inflation and
Expectations of Tax Amnesty On Informal Economy (1985-2012)) Selçuk Üniversitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Dr. Mehmet YILDIZ Özel Sayısı, 2014, ss. 23-32
İ.H.Sugözü, H. Yıldırım, H.İ.Aydın, “Vergi Adaleti Açısından Motorlu Taşıtlar
Vergisinin Analizi”, (The Investigation Of Motor Vehicle Tax In Case Of Tax Justice)
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 32, 2014, ss. 115-128
İ.H.Sugözü, Kayıt Dışı Ekonomiyi Önlemede Vergi Politikaları (1980 – 2004 Türkiye
Örneği) (Taxation Policies in Struggling with the Underground Economy (1980-2004
Turkish Case)), Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt:13, Yıl:10, Sayı:19,
Nisan 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, Türkiye’de İç Borçlanma Ödenebilirliği ve Tahkimler (1990 – 2000)
(Domestic Borrowing and its Redeemability and Consolidation in Turkey (1990 –
2000)), Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Ün. İİBF Dergisi, Aralık 2009, Yıl:11, Sayı:17
İ.H.Sugözü, Yeni Ekonomi Kavramı ve Elektronik Ticaretin Gelişimi: Bölüm 1 (Concept
of the New Economy and Developing of Electronic Commerce: Part 1), Standard
Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergisi, Yıl:47 No:557, Ekim 2008
İ.H.Sugözü, Yeni Ekonomi Kavramı ve Elektronik Ticaretin Gelişimi: Bölüm 2 (Concept
of the New Economy and Developing of Electronic Commerce: Part 2), Standard
Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergisi, Yıl:47 No:558, Kasım 2008
İ.H.Sugözü, Çevre Sorunu ve Yerel Yönetimler (Environmental Issues and Local
Governments)", Beklenen Mahalli İdareler Dergisi, Sayı:66, Kasım 1999, sf:1-9
S. Altınok, İ.H.Sugözü, M. Çetinkaya, Geleneksel Ticaretten Yeni Ekonomiye Elektronik
Ticaretin Temel Ekonomik Etkileri (From Traditional Economy to the New Economy;
The Major Economic Impacts of the Electronic Commerce)", INET-TR 2003 IX.
"Türkiye'de Internet" Konferansı 11-13 Aralık 2003 Askeri Müze/Harbiye Kültür Sitesi,
January 2015
S. Altınok, İ.H.Sugözü, M. Çetinkaya, E-Ticaret ve Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Olası
Etkileri (E-Commerce and its Possible Effects on Turkish Economy), Bilgi Ekonomi
ve Yönetim Kongresi, Derbent-İZMİT, 17-18 Mayıs 2003
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Atay, Sınır Kapılarının Dış Ticaret Üzerindeki Etkileri Kapsamında
Habur Sınır Kapısı (The Case of Habur Border Gate Within The Context of the
Effects of Border Gates on Foreign Trade), International Symposium on Şırnak and its
Vicinity, Şırnak, May 14-16, 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Yiyit, Şırnak ve Çevresinin Doğal Zenginlik Kaynakları ve Bölge
Ekonomisine Etkisi (The Natural Wealth Resources of Şırnak and Its Vicinity and its
Effect of The Regional Economy), International Symposium on Şırnak and its Vicinity,
Şırnak, May 14-16, 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Atay, Kalkınma Ajanslarının Bölgesel Kalkınmaya Etkisi: Dicle
Kalkınma Ajansı (DİKA) Örneği (The Impact of The Regional Development Agencies
on The Regional Development: The Case of Tigris Development Agency (DIKA)),
Uluslararası İstanbul İktisatçılar Zirvesi – II, “Küresel Kriz Sonrasi İktisat Politikaları”,
İkder & İ.Ü. İktisat Fakültesi, Istanbul, May 13-14, 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, E. Polat, B. Solak, Türkiye’de Kredi Kartlarının Yaygınlaşmasının Makro
Ekonomik Göstergeler Üzerine Etkileri (The Effects of Widespread Adoption of Credit
Cards on Macroeconomic Indicators in Turkey), 8. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal
Bilimler Kongresi, “Türk Dünyasında Muhtemel İşbirliği Alanları”, İktisat ve Girişimcilik
Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Kırgız-Türk Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Celal-Abad,
Kırgızistan, Jun 09-13, 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Atay, "Sınır Kapılarının Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Ekonomisi Üzerine
Etkileri Kapsamında Habur Sınır Kapısı", (The Case of Habur Border Gate Within The
Context of the Effects of Border Gates on Southeastern Anatolia Region Economy),
Uluslararası Sınır Ticareti Kongresi, Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi, 4-6 Kasım 2010, Kilis
İ.H.Sugözü, M. Atay, "Şırnak İli ve Çevresinin Gelişmesinde Dicle Kalkınma Ajansı’nın
(DİKA) Muhtemel Etkileri", (The Possible Effects of Tigris Development Agency
(DIKA) on Development of Şırnak and The Environment) Uluslararası Bölgesel
Kalkınma Sempozyumu, Bozok Üniversitesi, Yozgat, 7-9 Ekim 2010
İ.H.Sugözü, E. Polat, "Şırnak İlçelerinin Ekonomik Yapılarının Karşılaştırılması: İdil İlçe
Örneği", (The Comparison of Economic Structures of The Districts of Şırnak: The
Case of İdil) Uluslararası Geçmişten Günümüze İdil Sempozyumu, 12-13 Mart 2011,
İdil, Şırnak
İ.H.Sugözü, ARGEPP 2006 AR-GE Proje Pazarı’na ARGE Proje Önerisi sunarak katılım,
(ARGEPP 2006 R&D Project Market participation by providing R&D Project
Proposal) Konya Teknokent, Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi, Konya,
Graduation Thesis - Mahalli İdareler Reformu Yasa Tasarısı ve Beklentiler (Local
Goverments Reform Bill and Expectations), Konya, 1999
Master Thesis "Türkiye'de İç Borçlanma Ödenebilirliği ve Tahkimler (1990 - 2000)
(Domestic Borrowing and its Redeemability and Consolidation in Turkey (1990 –
2000))", Konya 2002
Doktorate Thesis, "Kayıt Dışı Ekonomiyi Önlemede Vergi Politikaları (Tax Policies to
Prevent the Underground Economy (1980-2004 Turkish Case))", Konya 2008
V. Thesis
January 2015
Türkiye Ekonomisi Değerlendirmesi (Discussion on Turkish Economy), ESAM
(Economic And Social Researches Center) Conference, Ankara, May 3, 2008
Elektronik Ticaret (Electronic Commerce), ASKON (Association of Anatolian
Businessmen) Conference, Konya, February 13, 2006
Türkiye – IMF İlişkileri (Turkey – IMF Relations), Sirnak University, April 9, 2010
İdil Ekonomisi (Idil’s Economy), Idil, Sirnak, April 9, 2011
Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi ile Mücadele, (Struggling with the Informal Economy) Şırnak
Defterdarlığı, Feb 27, 2014
Professional Activities and Association Memberships and Services
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Şırnak and its
Vicinity, May 14-16, 2010
Served as a chair for "Gençlik Sempozyumu (Youth Symposium)" at the Economic and
Social Researches Center, Konya, Turkey, May 2007.
President of the Branch of Economic and Social Researches Center (Konya City Office),
Member of the Executive Board of the ASKON Association of Anatolian Businessmen
(Konya City Office), 2005-2006
Member of Board of Publication of The Pursuit Of History International Periodical For
History And Social Research, May 2008-present
Member of Advisory Board and Referees of The Pursuit Of History International
Periodical For History And Social Research, April 2009-present
Member of Science Board of The International Symposium of Cizre, April 2011
Member of Science Board of The International Symposium of 2. International Regional
Development Conference, May 2013
Media Contact
Conversation in TV Program (Solstice), “Economic Developments in Turkey”,
KonyaTV, hosted by Behcet Buyukgokmen, 2007.
Granted an interview to the Merhaba (Newspaper) and on “IMF and
Turkey Relations” March 5, 2008
Granted an interview to the Yeni Safak (Newspaper) on “Protest of Turkish Public
against Israel” Jun 13, 2007
Granted an interview to the Milli Gazete (Newspaper) on “The Economy is Collapsing”
(Headline) May 6, 2008
İ.H.Sugözü, Çevrimiç Haber Ağı (Online News Network), Inventor, Başvuru Tarihi
2010, Yayın Tarihi 2014
9 Cited in SCI/SSCI articles and the other national articles references.
January 2015