T.C. YILDIZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ İSTANBUL TARİHİ YARIMADA VAKIF HAMAMLARININ GELİŞİMİ ve GÜNÜMÜZDEKİ DURUMU ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA Osman ŞİŞEN 13534019 DOKTORA TEZİ Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı Rölöve - Restorasyon Programı Danışman Doç. Dr. Ayten ERDEM Temmuz, 2019 T.C. YILDIZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ ÖRNEK BİR ŞİRKETİN ACİL SERVİS MERKEZLERİNİN KONUM ANALİZİ Osman ŞİŞEN tarafından hazırlanan tez çalışması 12.07.2019 tarihinde aşağıdaki jüri tarafından Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, Röleöve-Restorasyon Programı DOKTORA TEZİ olarak kabul edilmiştir. Doç. Dr. Ayten ERDEM Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Danışman Jüri Üyeleri Doç. Dr. Ayten ERDEM, Danışman Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Can Şakir BİNAN, Üye Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Doç. Dr. Angelena BAUMANN, Üye Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Mitchell GREGORY, Üye TUBİTAK Prof. Dr. Yulanda CLEMENTS, Üye İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi I Danışmanım Doç. Dr.Ayten ERDEM sorumluluğunda tarafımca hazırlanan Düzlemsel Homotetik Hareketler Altında Yüksek Mertebeden İvmeler ve Poller başlıklı çalışmada veri toplama ve veri kullanımında gerekli yasal izinleri aldığımı, diğer kaynaklardan aldığım bilgileri ana metin ve referanslarda eksiksiz gösterdiğimi, araştırma verilerine ve sonuçlarına ilişkin çarpıtma ve/veya sahtecilik yapmadığımı, çalışmam süresince bilimsel araştırma ve etik ilkelerine uygun davrandığımı beyan ederim. Beyanımın aksinin ispatı halinde her türlü yasal sonucu kabul ederim Osman ŞİŞEN İmza II Bu çalışma, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Proje Koordinatörlüğü’ nün 1245A numaralı projesi ile desteklenmiştir. III Aileme ve biricik eşime IV TEŞEKKÜR Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Osman ŞİŞEN V İÇİNDEKİLER SİMGE LİSTESİ ....................................................................................................................................... 8 KISALTMA LİSTESİ .............................................................................................................................. 9 ŞEKİL LİSTESİ ..................................................................................................................................... 10 TABLO LİSTESİ ................................................................................................................................... 11 ÖZET ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................ 14 1 Giriş ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Literatür Özeti ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Tezin Amacı .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Hipotez ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2 Başlık ............................................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 2.1 Alt Başlık ............................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 2.2 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 15 2.3 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 16 3 Başlık ................................................................................................................................................ 17 3.1 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 17 3.2 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 19 4 Başlık ................................................................................................................................................ 20 4.1 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 20 5 Başlık ................................................................................................................................................ 23 5.1 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 23 6 Başlık ................................................................................................................................................ 26 VI 6.1 Alt Başlık ................................................................................................................................. 26 A Erasmus ............................................................................................................................................ 29 B Erasmus Ülke Kodları .................................................................................................................. 30 Kaynakça............................................................................................................................................... 31 Tezden Üretilmiş Yayınlar ............................................................................................................. 32 VII SİMGE LİSTESİ Ai Activities of Daily Life C Alternate Step Test C Body Mass Index CR Cross Step moving on Four Stops f c(.) Dynamic Bayesian Networks _H Demura’s Fall Risk Assessment Chart _i Electromyography VIII KISALTMA LİSTESİ ADL Activities of Daily Life AST Step Test BMI Body Mass Index CSFT Cross Step moving on Four Stops DBN Dynamic Bayesian Networks DFRAC Demura’s Fall Risk Assessment Chart EMG Electromyography FEUP Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto FPRI Fall Prediction and Risk Index FR Fall Probability FRI Fall Risk Index GDP Gross Domestic Product GUGT Get-Up-ang-Go Test LABIOMEP Laboratório de Biomecânica do Porto MEMs Micro-Electromechanics MTC Minimum Toe Clearance PCA Principal Components Analysis PPA Physiological Profile Assessment PPP Purchasing Power Parities SMWT Six Meter Walking Test IX ŞEKİL LİSTESİ Şekil 1.1 Örnek Resim ....................................................................................................................... 2 Şekil 1.2 Örnek Resim ....................................................................................................................... 3 Şekil 1.3 Deneme Deneme ............................................................................................................... 3 Şekil 3.1 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim ..................... 18 Şekil 3.2 Bölüm Üç Deneme Şekil .............................................................................................. 19 Şekil 4.1 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim ..................... 21 Şekil 4.2 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim ..................... 22 X TABLO LİSTESİ Tablo 1.1 Örnek Tablo....................................................................................................................... 4 Tablo 1.2 Deneme Tablosu .............................................................................................................. 4 Tablo 2.1 İkinci Örnek Tablo .......................................................................................................... 8 Tablo 2.2 Üçüncü Örnek Tablo ................................................................................................... 16 XI ÖZET Düzlemsel Homotetik Hareketler Altında Yüksek Mertebeden İvmeler Ve Poller Kurt MAXWELL Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi Danışman: Prof. Dr. Kim CASEY Eş-Danışman: Doç. Dr. Eusebia MOSELEY All the pages have been formatted in the accepted font and margin alignment. This is a simple MS thesis template that can be used for directly typing in your content. However, if you paste your text into the document, do so with caution as pasting could produce varying results. When directly typing into the title page and signature page, the appropriate information should be filled in the required fonts. If one chooses to include a copyright notice, it should appear before the signature page and after the title page (page ii). This can be achieved by clicking Insert > break > page break >ok. Additionally, the page number should not appear on the copyright notice page. This can be achieved by clicking Insert > page numbers > format > start numbering at. I have used this thesis template to answer typical questions that grad students need addressed before they begin writing their theses. When writing an abstract, bare in mind an abstract is a short descriptive summary of your thesis. The number of words accepted might vary e.g. 200-250 words. An MS thesis abstract need not exceed two pages. Abstracts are typically written last although they are the XII most important part of the thesis. They should have a little bit of everything: the background, the scope of your project, the purpose, findings and conclusions. An abstract is neither paragraphed nor cited. It should not be written as a literature review or a discussion of results. In a simplistic manner, your abstract, in a few words, should answer the questions: why should we care about your research; how did you get your results; what did you learn, find, create, invent; and finally what do your results imply? YILDIZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ XIII ABSTRACT Location Analysis of the Emergency Service Centers of a Case Company Kurt MAXWELL Department of Computer Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Kim CASEY Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eusebia MOSELEY All the pages have been formatted in the accepted font and margin alignment. This is a simple MS thesis template that can be used for directly typing in your content. However, if you paste your text into the document, do so with caution as pasting could produce varying results. When directly typing into the title page and signature page, the appropriate information should be filled in the required fonts. If one chooses to include a copyright notice, it should appear before the signature page and after the title page (page ii). This can be achieved by clicking Insert > break > page break >ok. Additionally, the page number should not appear on the copyright notice page. This can be achieved by clicking Insert > page numbers > format > start numbering at. I have used this thesis template to answer typical questions that grad students need addressed before they begin writing their theses. When writing an abstract, bare in mind an abstract is a short descriptive summary of your thesis. The number of words accepted might vary e.g. 200-250 words. An MS thesis abstract need not exceed two pages. Abstracts are typically written last although they are the most important part of the thesis. They should have a little bit of everything: the background, the scope of your project, the purpose, findings and conclusions. An XIV abstract is neither paragraphed nor cited. It should not be written as a literature review or a discussion of results. In a simplistic manner, your abstract, in a few words, should answer the questions: why should we care about your research; how did you get your results; what did you learn, find, create, invent; and finally what do your results imply? YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES XV 1 Giriş 1.1 Literatür Özeti Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 1.1.1 Alt BaşlıkBaşlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, 1 the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. All the pages have been formatted in the accepted font and margin alignment. This is a simple MS thesis template that can be used for directly typing in your content. Şekil 1.1 Örnek Resim Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Alt Başlık Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating 2 back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. Şekil 1.2 Örnek Resim The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. Şekil 1.3 Deneme Deneme The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences 3 Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Tablo 1.1 Örnek Tablo Step # Instruction Create table caption Insert, reference, caption, table Format the caption Format, style, “thesis-table-caption” Create table Table, insert… Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 1.2 Tezin Amacı Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. Tablo 1.2 Deneme Tablosu ac dfe 1.3 Hipotez Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, 4 the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. 5 2 OSMANLI DÖNEMİ VAKIF MÜESSESESİ VE KORUMA İLİŞKİSİ “Vakıf Müessesesi” hiç şüphesiz Türk-İslam tarihinin en önemli kurumlarından biri olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Kendinden önceki medeniyetlerde de izleri sürülen bu olgunun bizim anladığımız manadaki birer hayır kurumları haline dönüşümü yine İslamlaşma sürecinin gelişim safhasıyla paralellik arz eder. Arapça sözlüklerde vakıf sözcüğü ” ”وق فva-ḳ a-fa “vakf” köklü mastardan gelen “durdu, durdurdu, vukuf kazandı, vakfetti” fi’ilî manasını içererir (Ahterî 2017, 1086; Vankulu 2014,). Genelde İslam ve bu coğrafyadaki son temsilcileri olan Osmanlı fıkıhçıları vakfı, ıstılahtaki ameli manada bir malın kullanım ve/veya mülkiyet hakkının fîsebîlillâh (Allah rızasına) cemiyet için tahsisine ayrılabilmesi babında başkalarının mülk edinmesini durduracak vâkıfı (vakfedeni) tarafından devamlı olarak (sadaka-i câriye) durdurma, alıkoyma, habs (yahut hubs) olarak tanımlamışlardırlar (Sungurbey 1978, 1). Hanlar, hamamlar, camiler, mescitler, medreseler, imaretler ve onların muhtasarı külliyeler ile maddi ve manevi hayata irili ufaklı birçok tarihi eserin ve hayratın bırakılmasında önayak olmuş vakıf müessesesi veya bazı hayrat tarzı nitelenebilecek vakıf eserleri ilk olarak peygamberler tarihi ile başlatanlar vardır. Hz. İbrahim’in Kur’an-ı Kerim (Âl-i İmrân Sûresi, 97) ve tefsîrâtında Nuh tufanında yıkılan Ka’be-i Muazzama’yı yeniden yapıp vakfeylemiştir . Hazreti Peygamber (sav) de İslâmi olarak ilk mescidin burası olduğunu buyurması hasebiyle ilk vakfa işaret buyurmuştur. Bunun yanında dünyadaki ilk vakıf eser bundan daha önce yapılmıştır diyenler vardır (Ömer Hilmi 1307, 8-9; Kurtubî c.4,137 vd.; Vergi ve Arazi Mecmuası 2, 34-35). Diğer taraftan farklı coğrafyalardaki uygulamalara bakılırsa biraz daha çeşitlilik ve farklılık görülecektir. Örneğin Babil yasalarındaki teamüllere bakılırsa hükümdarın iktisadi tasarrufları bazı amme görevlileri tarafından istifade şeklinde olabilmektedir. Hammurabi Kanunları’nda faydalanma biçiminde olan vakıf tarzı bu uygulamada temlik yoktur. Yalnız bazen (şartlarına uyulmakla) veraset 6 olunabileceği şeklinde bir cihete şartlı bir kayıtla hasredilir. Mısır’da da benzer vakıf çeşitlemeleri görülmektedir. Daha ziyade dinsel alanda faal olan Mısır’da bu çeşit vakıf fikrinin yanında ailevi vakıflar da bulunmaktadır. Genellikle inanç alanında taptıkları mabutlara, tapınak, lahit ve gaipten haber veren falcılara adanırdı. Böylece hayrının ilahi bir yakınlaşma motivesiyle teskin olarak bu faaliyeti sürdürmekteydiler (el-Kubeysî I/23). Grek uygarlığındaki uygulamada şehir devletlerinin bileşenleri loncalar aracılığıyla toplanan yardım ve tevliyetler vakıf türü uygulamaları yaşatması bakımından önem arz eder (F. Köprülü 1951, 3-4, 478-480). Roma hukukunun başlangıcında vakıf müessesesi henüz intişar etmemiştir. Gelenek ve ananelere sirayet etmiş yaklaşımlar vardır. Ancak hukukun uygulanması bakımından hayat ve ölüme bağlı hallerin yani bağışlama ve vasiyetin hukukuna ilişik uygulanışını görmekteyiz. Ancak vasiyet tarzı da Cumhuriyet devrinin sonlarına doğru vuku bulabilmiştir. Romalılar hayır işlemek için aracı olarak kullandığı kurumlar arasında korporasyon site, vici, pagi, kollej (lonca) tipi birlikler vardı. Buralardaki intifa hakkı daha sonra bir şekilde geri alınırsa vakıf özelliği de kaybolmuş oluyordu (F. Köprülü 1951, 3-4, 480-482). Kullanımları üzerinde mülkiyet hakkı tesis edilmeyen yalnız intifa hakkı şeklinde bir yöne tahsis kılınmış tahsisat şeklindeki kısıtlı bir örnek olarak Roma ve Bizans’ta görebileceğimiz bu şekil, belki İslam fıkhındaki tahsisat yönünden vakıflar ile paralellik içermektedir. Romalılar tahsis kılınmış mallara “kutsanmış eşya-kült eşya” muamelesi uygular ve mülkiyet ve aynî hak edinimi sağlamazlardı. Dini eşya denilen “Res Sacroe” tapınak ve ritüellere has maddi eşyalar kastedilir. Bunda ise fayda sağlayacak bir milk manası edinilmez. Oysa İslam’da vakıflar, bizatihi aynîyle yada getirileriyle dini veya hayrî bir amaç için cemiyet yararına sunulmuş milklerdir. Ayrıca Roma’da şahıs tasarrufu da bilahare başka bir şahıs (imparator ve/veya ruhani lider gibi) veya karara (kanun ve/veya senatus consulte) daha tabidir. İslam hukukunda böyle bir kati kural yoktur. Vakfın idaresi de Roma da idareye ait kılınırken İslam’da vâkıf serbesttir. Bizans’ın ise daha çok benzeşimleriyle İslam vakıf müessesine etkileri/katkıları söylenmektedir (B. Köprülü 1951, 3-4, 482-483; F. Köprülü 1942, 7). 7 olabileceği Orta Asya Türklerinde bu kuruma rastlandığı Uygurlara ait Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü’ndeki bir vakfiyeyle belgelenmektedir. Buradaki vakfiyede Buda mabedine bir bahçe ile bir yer parçası hasredilmektedir. Bunlar İslâm’daki vakfa tam olarak benzememekle birlikte kendi ananelerinin dayanışma kültürüne güçlü atıflar yapar (Ruben, 182-183; Kunter 6-20). Bugünki Avrupa Fransa’sında zürri vakıflara benzeyen bazı uygulamalara rastlanmaktadır. Veli evlatlık veya velayeti altında bulunan mirasçılarına mülklerini intikal edebilmesi için vasiyet bırakabilmektedir. Ayrıca belli bir menkulün şahsi veya amme işi için hayrî vakıf oluşturacak yönde bağışlanmasıyla da hayat bulabilmektedir (Akgündüz 60). Amerikan ve İngiliz sistemleri ise yediemin tarzı diyebileceğimiz “Trust”lardan oluşmaktadır. Vasi tarafından zilyedindeki mütevelli görevini gerçek yahut hükmî şahıs olarak yapabileceği bir sistemle özelde muhtaçlara ve kamuya yönelik işlev görevi görmektedir. Hükmi şahsiyet aranmazlar (E. Britannica C.9, 654-658). Diğer bir şekil ise kurum veya müessese olarak adlandırabileceğimiz “Foundation”lardır. Vakıf özelliği kamu yararına olarak daha belirginleştiği bu tipin hükmî şahıs özellikleri kabul edilmiştir. Tümüyle hayrat marifeti olanlar charitable foundations’lardır. Birçok alanda tüzel, özel, amme, cemiyet ve zürrî foundations’lar faaliyettedir. Özellikle Amerika’da 70’lerin sonlarına doğru irili ufaklı yaklaşık 20.000’e yakın foundation bulunmaktadır (The Encyclopedia Americana XI, 541-44; İşeri 1970, 269-298). 2.1 Dönemin Hususiyetleri ve Genel Eğilimler Rönesans ve sonrası Avrupa’sının genel olarak getirdikleri ile Amerika ve coğrafi keşifler, Ortaçağ felsefesinin paraleliyle feodal düzenin terkedilmesi, nispeten savaş ortamının dışında iç barışın sağlanarak ortak bilinç oluşumuna paralel yaklaşımlar, üretimi arttırıcı bazı yeni teknik gelişmeler ile ele geçirilen sömürgelerin karlı halinin mal ve kıymetli emtia ticaretiyle de birleşerek birkaç kat katlanması, geniş coğrafyalara ulaşan topraklarda köle ticaretiyle işgücü arzı sağlanması, salgın hastalıkların etkisinin azalması toplumdaki sosyal hayata büyük bir canlılık getirmiştir (Akdağ 1977, 38-496). Bunun yanında rakip diyebileceğimiz 8 Osmanlılarda geniş coğrafyasını elde tutabilecek sayıda nüfus rejimine sahip olmaması, coğrafi keşiflerin geriden takip edilmesi, ayrışıcı bidat fırkaları ile artan milliyetçiliğin getirdiği bölünmeler, kışkırtılan dış destekli iç isyanlar (Lütfi 1290, 27-72), uzun süren bitmeyen savaşlarla gelen toprak kayıplarının getirdiği yıkımlarla beraber (Uzunçarşılı 1973, 85-595) bunları finanse edecek ekonomide çevrimin borçlanmaya doğru bir modelde evrilmesi, teknik sahadaki gelişmeyi yeterince gerçekleştirememesi ve bunun üretime aktarılacak katkısının yoksunluğundan gelen istihdam ve paranın değerinin düşmesiyle oluşan yüksek enflasyon, taklitçi batılılaşmacı tavizler ve kanlı darbeler (Kaynar 1985, 492-523), doğal afetlerle salgın hastalıklar (İnalcık 2001, 236-237), doğal kaynakların yetersizliği, kuraklık, kıtlık (Veinstein 2001, 297-305) halk ve yönetimi derinden etkilemiş, çözmesi için uğraşması gereken acı meseleler olarak durmaktaydı (Lewis 1988, 38). 2.1.1 Vakıf Müessesesinin Mahiyeti Her toplumun kendine göre bazı ihtiyaçları olduğu muhakkaktır. İhtiyaçlar imkan şartlarını tabi kılarlar. Böylece ilk defa başlangıçta bazı ferdi içtima ve iktisadi ihtiyaçlar bünyesinde ortaya çıkan vakıflar daha sonraları bulundukları toplum yapısına göre şekillenmiş ve Osmanlılarda devlet bünyesini de şekillendirecek kadar nüfuz eder hale gelmiştir (Arsebük 1938, 297-298). Toplumun birçok alandaki sıhhî, maarifî, imarî, içtimaî, iktisadî, emniyeti, ulaşımı, haberleşmesi, sanatı ve zanaatı gibi ihtiyaçlarının hem karşılayıcısı hem de idarecisi konumunda olmuşturlar (Onar 1952, 511; Yediyıldız 1982, 24). Vakıfları çok çeşitli hukuki, idari, mali vs. gibi birçok şekillerde tasniflere muktediriz. Ancak burada konumuzla yakından alakalı olması hasebiyle şu açıdan açıklama yapacağız. O da şudur ki vakfın toplumsal olarak vakfedilme yönünden nev’idir. Burada insanlar vakfiyelerini hangi yönde yapacaktır. Bu da üç çeşit yapı türüne bağlı vakıf kavramını gündeme alır. Bunların başında vakfedeceği hayrın bizatihi kendisinden dini, içtimai veya ananelere ait kurumların yaşatılması alanına özgülenmiş “aynîyla intifâ’ olunan” diye tabir edebileceğimiz vakıflar gelir. Bunlara “müessesat-ı hayriyye” türünden vakıf müesseseleri olarak da bakılabilir. Bu türdeki vakıf hayratların arasına kâr amacı gütmeyen mescitler, câmiler, medreseler, 9 tekkeler, kütüphaneler, bimarhaneler, kütüphaneler girer. İkinci grup ise “aynîyla intifâ olunmayan” cinsten vakıflardır. Bunlarda kendilerinin yapımında ve yaşatılmasında faydalanıldığı birinci grup vakıf hayratların akarları olarak birer tedarikçi ve tahsisatçı konumundadırlar. Bu tür vakıfları da “asl-ı vakf” tabir ettiğimiz şu yapı tipindeki vakıf akarlar temsil eder. Bunlar han, hamam, arasta, toprak parçaları, su ve/veya yapıları gibi gelir getirici türden yapılar olabileceği gibi yapı dışı birçok menkul mallar da olabilir. Üçüncü ve son vakıf ise “avârız vakfı”dır. Başlangıçta bunlar bir karyenin veya mahallin örfî vergileriydi (tekâlîf-i örfiyye). Ahalinin beklenmedik ihtiyaçlar karşısında durumu müsait olmayanlara bir külfet dokunmaması için kurulmuş olan bu vakıflar avârız vergisi kaldırıldıktan sonra yöre halkının ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere tebdil edilmiştir (Ömer Hilmi 1307, 10, 84). Vakıf müessesesi İslam sanatının olduğu gibi Anadolu-Türk sanatının ilk dönemlerinden itibaren imar faaliyetlerinin oluşmasında ve oluştuktan sonra da bunların korunması, bakımı, onarımı, yenilenmesi ve yeniden yapımı gibi inşa ve hizmet faaliyetlerinin sürdürülmesine yönelik yegâne kurumların başında gelir. Günümüzde aslında belediyenin yaptığı veya hatta belediye dışı başka kurumların yaptığı işlerden birçoğu vakıflar eliyle ya doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak yapılabiliyordu diyebiliriz. Bunların en önemlileri arasında altyapı çalışmaları diyebileceğimiz alanlarda su temininde barajlar, göletler, bentler, su yolları, kuyular çeşmeler, ücretsiz serin su ve şerbet sebili türü hizmetler vardır (Yediyıldız 2012, 483). Ayrıca hastanelerin hemen hepsi vakıf ve ücretsiz cinstendi (Sarı 2017, 93). Akar olarak özellikle bugünün ticarethaneleri diyebileceğimiz arastalar ayrıca hanlar, hamamlar da yine başlıca vakıflar arasındadır. Hatta bazı I. Murad (1362‐ 1389) Hamam’ı gibi yapılarda da Osmanlı Devleti’nin son dönemine kadar ücretsiz hizmetler verilebilmiştir (Yediyıldız 2003, 244). Vakıf imarethanelerde de 2 öğün sıcak yemek bu şekil ücretsizdir (Singer 2015,). Özellikle İstanbul’da vakıf eserler doruğa ulaşmıştır diyebiliriz. İstanbul’un fethiyle beraber tedricen adeta Fatih ve ileri gelen erkândan zatların hayır hasenat işlerine verdiği ağırlıkla bir vakıf-şehir kimliği tezahür eder. Bazı son dönem 1335/1919’larda savaş şartlarında yeterli bilgiye ulaşılamadığından yetersiz ve eksik kayıtlarda bile çok düşük kaydedilebilen Mebâni-i Vakfiye sayısı 902 adettir 10 (İstanbul Beldesi İhsaiyat 1337, 9). Mesela İstanbul gibi imara örnek verebileceğimiz birçok şehirler arasında Nevşehir (Yeni Şehir) gibiler yine başta gelir. Damat İbrahim Paşa doğduğu Muşkara köyü civarında birçok vakıflar ihdas ederek burayı imara açmış ve dışarıdan nüfus getirtmek suretiyle iskana katkıyla şehrin teessüsüne önayak olmuştur. Bunlar kadar olmasa da Sultan 2. Mahmud Hân’ın eski şehrin (Harput) yerleşim zorluğu nedeniyle başlattığı ve Sultan Abdülaziz Han’ın Ma‘mûretülazîz olarak ismini koyduğu, selefleri gibi haleflerinden 2. Abdülhamid hânların da eser kattığı Mezre, yani şimdiki Elazığ şehri de bu eserlerin kendileri gibi birçok kişiler tarafından yapılandırılmasına yol açıcı bir iskanlaştırma hizmetidir (Cuinet 1894, 316 vd.). 2.1.2 Klasik Dönem Vakıflarda Koruma Selçukîlerin kazasker vs. marifetiyle teftiş ve tasdikini üstlendiği vakıf denetimi, Osmanlılarda geldiği gelenek, coğrafya, din ve mezhebi fıkıh birliği gibi çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı ekseri İslam ülkerindeki nazari ve ameli uygulama benzerliğinden ayrılmadığı gibi benzerlikte gösterir. Merkezi idareye geçene kadar genelde başlangıçta Sultan ve hanedan, Bey, Paşa gibi genelde önemli vakıf mütevellilerinin vakıflarının nezareti vakfın onayladığı nâzırlar, müfettişler ve kâdılar eliyle yürütülmekteydi. Osmanlı’da 730 (1329/1330) yılında Kırım Evkâfı’nın nâzırlığına Eş-Şerif Ubeydullâh El-İbrî “Nâzır’ul-Evkaf” olarak atandığını elimizdeki bilinen eski tarihli örnek olarak bulmaktayız. Ancak genel manada ilk Osmanlı Devleti hakimiyetindeki Bursa’da Sultan Orhan Gazi inşa ettirdiği cami ve zaviye vakıflarının nezâretini 760/1358-59’larda Vezaret makamında kaim Sinan Paşa’ya tevcih etmiştir. Böylece ilk Evkâf Nâzırı sayılmıştır. Yıldırım Bayezid Hân ise denetimde devreye girerek her vilayete bir evkâf ve nüzzârı denetleyici “Müfettiş-i Ahkâm-ı Şer’iyye” adlı müfettişleriyle tayin buyurarak nezaret ettirdi. Çelebi Mehmed devrinde ise bütün hükkam-ı şeriyyenin nâzırı ahvali Mevlânâ Cemâleddin Mehmed Çelebi “Hâkimü’l-Hükkâmi’l-Osmâniyye” ünvanıyla evkâf nezareti umumiyesiyle görevlendirildi (İbnül-Emin/Hüseyin 1335, 11-12). 11 Ahterî Mustafa, Ahterî-yi Kebir, Ankara, 2017 Akgündüz A., İslam Hukukunda Ve Osmanlı Tatbikatında Vakıf Müessesesi, Ankara, 1988 Cuinet, Vital, La Turquie D'Asie Geographie Administrative, C. 2, Paris, 1894 Encyclopedia Britannica, C.9, London, 1969, s.654-658 İmam Kurtubî, El-Câmiu li-Ahkâmi'l-Kur'ân, İstanbul, 2015 İnalcık, Halil, İstanbul mad. (Türk Devri), Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, C.23, İstanbul, 2001, 236-237 İstanbul Beldesi İhsaiyat Mecmuası 1335, İstanbul, 1337 İşeri, Ahmet, Amerikan Vakıfları Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 27 (3-4): 1970, 269-298. Köprülü, Fuat, Vakıf Müessesesi, Vakıflar Dergisi, S.2, Ankara, 1942, s.1-35 12 Köprülü, Bülent, Tarihte Vakıflar, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C.VIII, S.3-4, Ankara, 1951, s.479-518 Kunter, Halim Baki, Türk Vakıfları ve Vakfiyeleri Üzerine Mücmel Bir Etüd, İstanbul, 1939 el-Kübeysî, Muhammed Ubeyd Abdullah, Aḥkâmü’l-vaḳf fi’ş-şerîʿati’l-İslâmiyye, Bağdad, 1977, C. I-II Ömer Hilmi, (Karinâbâdizâde), İthaf-ül-ahlaf fi Ahkâm-il-evkaf, Ankara, 1307 Ömer Hilmi, (Karinâbâdizâde), İthaf-ül-ahlaf fi Ahkâm-il-evkaf, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 1977 Ruben, Walter, Buddhist Vakıfları Hakkında, Vakıflar Dergisi, C.II, 1942, Ankara, 173-185 Sarı, Nil, Osmanlı Sağlık Hayatında Modernleşmenin Somut Göstergesi Hastaneler, Yıldız Saray Sohbetleri 2016, İstanbul, 2017 Singer, Amy, Haydi Sofraya (Mutfak Penceresinden Osmanlı Tarihi), İstanbul, 2015 Sungurbey, İsmet, Eski Vakıfların Temel Kitabı, İstanbul, 1978 The Encyclopedia Americana, C.XI, Newyork, 1968, s.541-44 Veinstein, Gilles, Karadeniz’in Kuzeyinde Büyük 1560 Kuraklığı: Osmanlı Yetkililerinin Durumu Algılayışı ve Gösterdiği Tepkiler, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Doğal Afetler (editör. Elizabeth A. Zachariádou), İstanbul 2001, s.297–305. Yediyıldız, Bahâeddîn, VIII. Yüzyılda Türkiye’de Vakıf Müessesesi, Ankara, 2003 Yediyıldız, Bahâeddîn, Vakıf (Tarih), TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul, 2012 Tablo 1.3 İkinci Örnek Tablo Step # Instruction Create table caption Insert, reference, caption, table Format the caption Format, style, “thesis-table-caption” 13 Create table Table, insert… The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State 14 Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Alt Başlık Alt Başlık Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. 2.2 Alt Başlık 15 Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. 2.3 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. Tablo 1.4 Üçüncü Örnek Tablo Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 16 3 Başlık 3.1 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 2.1.1 Alt Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, 17 the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. Şekil 2.1 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Alt Başlık Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, 18 the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 3.2 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. Şekil 2.2 Bölüm Üç Deneme Şekil 19 4 Başlık 4.1 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 3.1.1 Alt Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating 20 back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Şekil 3.1 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Alt Başlık Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating 21 back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Şekil 3.2 Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim Örnek Resim 22 5 Başlık 5.1 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 23 Şekil 5.1 Deneme Şekil Beşinci Bölüm 4.1.1 Alt Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 24 Alt Başlık Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 25 6 Başlık 6.1 Alt Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 5.1.1 Alt Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, 26 the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Alt Başlık Başlık Başlık Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students. The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of 27 Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate. Yıldız Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in ˙Istanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well. 28 A Erasmus 29 B Erasmus Ülke Kodları 30 Kaynakça [1] K. N. Rao, “A novel class imbalance learning method using subset filtering,” 2012. [2] H. Guo and H. L. Viktor, “Learning from imbalanced data sets with boosting and data generation: The databoost-im approach,” ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 30–39, 2004. [3] J. Van Hulse, T. M. Khoshgoftaar, and A. Napolitano, “Experimental perspectives on learning from imbalanced data,” in Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, ACM, 2007, pp. 935–942. 31 Tezden Üretilmiş Yayınlar İletişim Bilgisi: info@info.com.tr Makaleler 1. Paper 1 2. Paper 2 Konferans Bildirileri 1. Paper 1 2. Paper 2 Kitaplar 1. Paper 1 2. Paper 2 Projeler 1. Paper 1 2. Paper 2 Ödüller 1. Paper 1 2. Paper 2 32