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Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Alcohol National Research Service Awards
The Alcohol National Research Service
Awards support training in clinical research,
treatment assessment research, problems of
health promotion and alcoholism prevention,
and basic biological and behavioral processes
applicable to alcohol research.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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American Film Showcase
The American Film Showcase is a major
touring film program bringing American
documentaries, feature films and animated
shorts to audiences worldwide.
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American Music Abroad Program
The American Music Abroad program is
designed to communicate America's rich
musical contributions to a global music
scene. The program sends music groups
abroad to foster cross-cultural
communication with global audiences.
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American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
The American Opportunity Tax Credit is a
tax credit to help pay for education expenses
paid for the first four years of education
completed after high school. You can get a
maximum annual credit of $2,500 per eligible
student and 40% or $1,000 could be refunded
if you owe no tax. This credit is subject to
income limitations.
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Arts Envoy Program
The Arts Envoy program is designed to share
the best of the U.S. arts community with the
world. The program sends American arts
professionals-- including performing artists,
visual artists, poets, playwrights, theatrical
and film directors, curators, and others-overseas to conduct workshops, give
performances, and mentor young people. The
program seeks to connect with international
publics who might not otherwise have the
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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opportunity to engage with American arts
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Assets for Independence
Assets for Independence (AFI) is a
community-based approach for giving lowincome families a hand up out of poverty.
Utilizing existing individual and community
assets, AFI strengthens communities from
within through the use of matched savings
accounts called Individual Development
Accounts (IDAs). Through financial
education, AFI demonstrates the use and
impact of IDAs to help low-income
individuals move toward greater selfsufficiency.
AFI's main initiatives include:
Awarding grants to non-profit organizations
and government agencies that provide IDAs
Managing a national resource center to
support AFI grantees and develop
information on the use of IDAs and related
asset-building strategies
Managing research on IDA usage and
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Assistance to Torture Survivors
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
provides support for domestic centers and
programs for survivors of torture. ORR seeks
to use these funds to provide direct services
to survivors of torture, including treatment
and rehabilitation, social and legal services,
and research and training for health care
providers to enable them to treat the physical
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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and psychological effects of torture.
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Basic FHA Insured Home Mortgage
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home. While U.S. Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) does not lend
money directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Benjamin A. Gilman International
Scholarship Program
The Benjamin A. Gilman International
Scholarship Program provides scholarships to
U.S. undergraduates with financial need for
study abroad. Established under the
International Academic Opportunity Act of
2000, Gilman Scholarships provide up to
$5,000 for American students to pursue
overseas study for college credit.
Students studying critical need languages are
eligible for up to $3,000 in additional funding
as part of the Gilman Critical Need Language
Supplement program. Those critical need
languages include:
Arabic (all dialects);
Chinese (all dialects);
Bahasa Indonesia
Turkic (Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgz,
Turkish, Turkmen, Uzbek);
Persian (Farsi, Dari, Kurdish, Pashto,
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Indic (Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Sinhala,
Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati,
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Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Research and Research Training
The Center for Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology supports research and
research training in areas that join biology
with the computer sciences, engineering,
mathematics, and physics. Toward this end,
the center develops and manages programs in
computational biology, such as the generation
of mathematical models of biological
networks, the development of modeling and
simulation tools, the conduct of basic
theoretical studies related to network
organization and dynamic processes, and the
development of methods for the analysis and
dissemination of computational models. The
center also defines the Institute's needs for
database development and applications, and it
collaborates with other NIH components and
Federal agencies in developing policies in
this area. Other center activities include the
support of multidisciplinary collaborations
and of workshops, courses, and specialized
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COBRA Continuation Coverage
The American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 contains the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
(COBRA) premium assistance provisions that
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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expand COBRA eligibility and provide
eligible individuals with a 65 percent
reduction of their COBRA premiums for up
to 9 months. If eligible, these individuals pay
only 35 percent of their COBRA premiums to
the plan and the remaining 65 percent is paid
by the employer through a payroll tax credit.
Individuals denied the COBRA Premium
Assistance made available under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
may seek an expedited review of that denial
by the Secretary of Labor.
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Cash-Out Refinance Loan
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) Cash-Out Refinance Loan is for
homeowners who want to trade equity for
cash from their home. These loans can be
used as strictly cash at closing, to payoff
debt, make home improvements, and
pay off liens. The Cash-Out Refinance
Loan can also be used to refinance a non-VA
loan into a VA loan. VA will guaranty loans
up to 100 percent of the value of your home.
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Cell Biology and Biophysics Research and
Research Training
The Division of Cell Biology and Biophysics
seeks greater understanding of the structure
and function of cells, cellular components,
and the biological macromolecules that make
up these components. The research it
supports ranges from studies of single
molecules to work in structural genomics and
proteomics. The long-term goal of the
division is to find ways to prevent, treat, and
cure diseases that result from disturbed or
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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abnormal cellular activity. The division has
three components: the Biophysics Branch, the
Cell Biology Branch, and the Structural
Genomics and Proteomics Technology
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Child and Dependent Care Credit
The Child and Dependent Care Credit
program can reduce your tax by claiming the
credit for child and dependent care expenses
on your federal income tax return.
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Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
The Civil Service Retirement Act, which
became effective on August 1, 1920,
established a retirement system for certain
Federal employees. The Civil Service
Retirement System (CSRS) is a defined
benefit, contributory retirement system.
Employees and agencies share in the expense
of the annuities to which employees become
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Commodity Supplemental Food Program
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program
(CSFP) works to improve the health of lowincome elderly persons at least 60 years of
age by supplementing their diets with
nutritious, 100 percent domestic USDA
CSFP is administered at the Federal level by
the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an
agency of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. Through CSFP, USDA
distributes both food and administrative funds
to participating States and Indian Tribal
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Organizations (ITOs). CSFP food packages
are not intended to comprise a
complete diet, but rather are good sources of
the nutrients typically lacking in the diets of
the target population.
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Community Services Block Grant
The goal of the Community Services Block
Grant (CSBG) is the reduction of poverty, the
revitalization of low-income communities
and the empowerment of low-income
families and individuals to become fully selfsufficient.
The Community Services Block Grant is
designed to help low-income individuals and
families: secure and retain meaningful
employment; attain an adequate education;
improve the use of available income, obtain
adequate housing, obtain emergency
assistance, including health and nutrition
services; remove obstacles which block the
achievement of self-sufficiency; and achieve
greater participation in the affairs of the
The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services provides Community Services Block
Grant funds to the 50 states, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American
Samoa and to Federally-recognized Tribes,
State-recognized Tribes and Tribal
organizations acting on behalf of eligible
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Compensated Work Therapy
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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The Department of Veteran's Affairs' (VA)
Compensated Work Therapy Program
matches and supports work ready Veterans in
competitive jobs. The program also consults
with business and industry about their
specific employment needs.
The program helps Veterans with disabilities
get competitive employment in the
community, working in jobs they choose,
while receiving the support they need.
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Consolidated Health Centers
Health Centers offer access to comprehensive
primary and preventive health care and social
services to medically unserved and
underserved populations. Federally funded
health centers offer services to the general
community, as well as specific special
populations including: migrant and seasonal
farmworkers, homeless, public housing
residents, and school aged children. 
Services are provided to all residents of the
service area without regard to an individual's
ability to pay.
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Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
Program provides overseas foreign language
instruction and cultural enrichment
experiences in 13 critical need languages for
U.S. students in higher education.
The CLS Program is part of a U.S.
government effort to expand dramatically the
number of Americans studying and mastering
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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critical need foreign languages.
Undergraduate, master's, and doctoral-level
students of diverse disciplines and majors are
encouraged to apply for the seven-to-ten
week-long programs. Participants are
expected to continue their language study
beyond the scholarship period and later apply
their critical language skills in their future
professional careers.
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DanceMotion USA
DanceMotion USA sends American dance
companies overseas to connect with
audiences and communities through dance
workshops, lecture demonstrations, public
performances and other arts education
This program includes a U.S. based
exchange, which brings a foreign dance
company to present collaborative workshops
and performances with an American dance
company in the United States.
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Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit is a free service for
electronically transferring your tax refund
from the Internal Revenue Service into your
financial account. More than eight out of ten
taxpayers use Direct Deposit to get their tax
refunds. Direct Deposit is easy, safe and
Whether you file electronically or on paper,
Direct Deposit gives you access to your
refund faster than a paper check. Direct
Deposit also avoids the possibility that your
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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check could be lost or stolen or returned to
IRS as undeliverable.
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Direct Express® Prepaid Debit Card
The Direct Express® card is a prepaid debit
card option for federal benefit recipients to
receive their benefits electronically. With the
Direct Express® card, your federal benefit
payment is automatically deposited directly
into your card account each month on your
payment day. This prepaid debit card offers
the convenience and security of to spend and
access your money rather than using cash for
purchases.  Cardholders can make
purchases at stores that accept Debit
MasterCard®, pay bills, purchase money
orders from the U.S. Post Office and get cash
from ATMs or financial institutions that
display the MasterCard® acceptance mark.
No bank account or credit check is required
to enroll. There are no sign-up fees or
monthly account fees. Many card services are
free. Additional information about the Direct
Express® card is available
at www.USDirectExpress.com.
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Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) Locator
A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is a
readily accessible facility or mobile office
where applicants may visit for information
about FEMA or other disaster assistance
programs, or for questions related to your
case. The Disaster Recovery Center Locator
allows individuals to find the hours, services,
and locations of nearby DRCs.
Some of the services that a DRC may provide
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Guidance regarding disaster recovery
assistance and programs for survivors
Clarification of any written correspondence
received from FEMA
Housing assistance and rental resource
Answers to questions, resolution to
problems and referrals to agencies that may
provide further assistance
Status of applications being processed by
Small Business Administration (SBA)
program information regarding assistance
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Drug Abuse Research Career Development
The Career Development Awards provide
support for research relating to the problems
of drug abuse and addiction. It also aims to
raise the level of competence and increase the
number of individuals engaged in such
research via special levels of National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) support.
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Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),
sometimes called EIC, is a tax credit for
workers with low to moderate income.
Eligibility for the tax credit is based on
various factors including family size, filing
status and income. When EITC exceeds the
amount of taxes owed, it results in a tax
refund to those who claim and qualify for the
credit. The credit is subject to income
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
Independent Study Program
The Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
Independent Study Program consists of selfpaced courses designed for both the general
public and people who have emergency
management responsibilities. They are
offered free-of-charge to all who qualify for
enrollment, and college credit can be
obtained through a for-fee service after
successful completion of a course. Each
Independent Study Course includes lessons
with practice exercises and a final
examination. Those who score 75 percent or
better are issued a certificate of achievement
from EMI. Course completion times vary
from two to fourteen hours, depending on the
course and the student's background.
Independent Study Programs are based online
and are open to the general public without
review or exception. Courses differ from
those taught in EMI's Residential Education
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Federal Employees Retirement System
Congress created the Federal Employees
Retirement System (FERS) in 1986, and it
became effective on January 1, 1987. Since
that time, new Federal civilian employees
who have retirement coverage are covered by
FERS is a retirement plan that provides
benefits from three different sources: a Basic
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Benefit Plan, Social Security and the Thrift
Savings Plan (TSP). Two of the three parts of
FERS (Social Security and the TSP) can go
with you to your next job if you leave the
Federal Government before retirement. The
Basic Benefit and Social Security parts of
FERS require you to pay your share each pay
period. Your agency withholds your
contributions for the Basic Benefit and Social
Security from your pay as payroll deductions.
Your agency pays its part too. Then, after you
retire, you receive annuity payments each
month for the rest of your life.
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Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance
Program (FEGLI)
The Federal Government established the
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance
(FEGLI) Program in 1954 to provide group
term life insurance. FEGLI can help you meet
your life insurance needs. Federal employees,
Federal retirees (if they meet certain criteria
to continue the coverage into retirement), and
their family members can be covered under
Basic and Optional insurance.
If you are an eligible employee you are
automatically enrolled in Basic insurance,
which covers your life for your annual rate of
pay rounded up to the nearest whole $1,000
plus $2,000.  There are also three
Optional insurances you can elect. Option AStandard equals $10,000 more coverage on
your life; Option B-Additional equals one to
five multiples of your salary of more
coverage on your life; and Option C-Family
equals one to five multiples of coverage on
the lives of your eligible family members.
Each multiple of Option C equals $5,000 of
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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coverage on your spouse and $2,500 of
coverage on each eligible child. 
Generally, eligible children under Option C
are your unmarried dependent children under
age 22.
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Federal Perkins Loan Program
Federal Perkins Loans help financially needy
undergraduate and graduate students meet the
cost of postsecondary education. The award
is made by the school based on the
availability of funds. A Federal Perkins Loan
carries a fixed interest rate and must be repaid
beginning after a nine-month grace period
following the date when the student is no
longer enrolled on at least a half-time basis.
Institutional financial aid administrators at
participating institutions have substantial
flexibility in determining the amount of
Perkins loans to award to students who are
enrolled or accepted for enrollment.
Borrowers who undertake certain public,
military, or teaching service employment are
eligible to have all or part of their loans
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Federal Retiree Benefits
The Services Online (SOL) program offers
federal retirees and survivor annuitants a
place to learn more about retirement benefits
and make changes to federal annuity
The program provides on-demand access so
you can:
Change your federal and state income tax
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Change your mailing address
Change your Password
Establish an allotment to an organization
Set up a checking or savings allotment
Sign up for direct deposit for your payment
Update your email address/opt-in to receive
information electronically
View/Print annuity statement/verification of
View/Print 1099-R Tax Forms
View/Print verification of life insurance
View/Print status of your case while in
interim pay
Services Online cannot be used to make any
changes to your Federal dental or Federal
vision insurance (FEDVIP) coverage. Please
contact BENEFEDS or call 1-977-888-3337
for any changes and/or comments related to
your FEDVIP coverage.
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Former Worker Medical Screening Program
The Former Worker Program (FWP)
identifies, notifies, and makes medical
screening services available, at no cost, to
former employees who have worked in the
weapons complex during the past 60-plus
years for the Department of Energy (DOE) or
its predecessor agencies (the Atomic Energy
Commission and the Energy Research and
Development Administration). DOE uses
occupational health experts to independently
offer medical screening to former workers for
potential adverse health outcomes related to
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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occupational exposures to such conditions as
radiation, noise, beryllium, asbestos, lasers,
silica, and others. The FWP was first
established following the issuance of
the Fiscal Year 1993 Defense Authorization
Act (Public Law 102-484), which called for
DOE to assist workers with determining
whether they had health issues related to their
prior work with DOE.
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Foster Grandparent Program
The Foster Grandparent Program provides
grants to qualified agencies and organizations
for the dual purpose of engaging persons 60
or older, with limited incomes, in volunteer
service to meet critical community needs and
to provide a high quality volunteer
experience that will enrich the lives of the
volunteers. Program funds are used to support
Foster Grandparents in providing supportive,
person to person service to children with
exceptional or special needs.
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Free Application for Federal Student Aid
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) is an application used by virtually
all two and four-year colleges, universities,
and career schools for awarding Federal,
state, and college-funded student aid.
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Free File
Available exclusively at IRS.gov, Free File
makes doing your Federal taxes less taxing,
either through brand-name software or
fillable forms that do the hard work for you.
This online tax preparation service lets you
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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prepare your own tax return and e-file it for
free. More than 46 million people have used
Free File since the Internal Revenue Service
and the nation's leading tax software
providers partnered together 13 years ago.
The software helps you find the tax breaks
you are due and help you meet your health
care reporting requirements. Free File
providers also offer state return preparation,
some for free as well.
When you file electronically using Free File
software or fillable forms, your return is sent
to the IRS using the latest in encryption
technology. You also get a receipt that the
IRS has accepted your return within minutes
of filing, and you can print your return for
free. Using both e-file and direct deposit is
the fastest way to receive a refund.
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Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad
(GPA) Program
The Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad
(GPA) program is designed to contribute to
the development and improvement of the
study of modern foreign languages and area
studies in the United States by providing
training opportunities for faculty, teachers,
and upperclassmen and/or graduate students
in foreign countries where the United States
has diplomatic representation. Awards are
made under the program to conduct overseas
group projects in research, training and
curriculum development.
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Genetics and Developmental Biology
Research and Research Training
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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The Division of Genetics and Developmental
Biology supports studies directed toward
gaining a better understanding of the
fundamental mechanisms of inheritance and
development. The results of these studies
form the foundation for advances in
diagnosing, preventing, treating and curing
human genetic and developmental disorders.
Most of the projects supported by the division
make use of model organisms, which speed
advances in understanding human biological
The division has two components: the
Genetic Mechanisms Branch and the
Developmental and Cellular Processes
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HUD Homes for Sale
A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) home is a 1-to-4 unit
residential property acquired by HUD as a
result of a foreclosure action on a Federal
Housing Administration (FHA)-insured
mortgage. HUD becomes the property owner
and offers the HUD Home for sale to recover
the loss on the foreclosure claim.
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Home Loan for Regular Purchase
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Home Loan program guarantees loans made
to eligible Veterans, Servicemembers,
Reservists, National Guard members and
certain surviving spouses.
VA guarantees a percentage of the loan. This
helps the Veteran obtain a no-down payment
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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mortgage at a competitive interest rate
that does not require private mortgage
VA-guaranteed loans may also be refinanced.
Go to Home Loan Interest Rate Reduction
Refinancing to see the program requirements.
To obtain the most advantageous financing,
VA encourages eligible Veterans,
Servicemembers, Reservists, and National
Guard members to meet with several lenders
to determine the best mortgage terms to meet
individual needs and circumstances.
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Housing Counseling Assistance Program
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) funds housing
counseling agencies throughout the country
that can give you advice on buying a home,
renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues
and reverse mortgages.
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Identity Protection
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your
personal information such as your name,
Social Security number (SSN) or other
identifying information, without your
permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.
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Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan
A Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan
(IRRRL) can be used to refinance an existing
VA loan to lower the interest rate.
IRRRLs do not require credit underwriting
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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and may include the entire outstanding
balance of the prior loan, to include closing
costs and up to two discount points. Please
note that some lenders may require additional
credit requirements for loan approval.
Therefore, VA encourages you to contact
multiple lenders to determine the best loan
option to fit your needs.
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Internship Program for Post Secondary
The Department of Commerce (DOC)
established a post secondary internship
program to aid and promote experiential
training activities which foster future
employment at DOC or the Federal
government in general. Student opportunities
will be primarily located in the Washington,
D.C. metropolitan area, but will include field
locations outside the area. Summer internship
sessions will last for a ten-week period.
Academic semester or quarter internship
sessions will be structured to coincide with
the academic calendar of the students'
institutions. The DOC serves as the host
Federal agency for the student interns;
however, students may be assigned to work
in Federal agencies other than DOC.
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Life Sciences Awards
The Life Sciences Awards competition will
present: $25,000 award to a scientist, with
additional funds for research; three $10,000
awards to high school educators; and three
$5,000 awards to high school students, who
are judged to exemplify excellence in the
field of life sciences.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC)
The Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC) is a tax
credit used to offset the cost of tuition and
related expenses. It can help eligible students
pay for undergraduate, graduate and
professional degree courses and courses taken
to get or improve job skills. There is no limit
on the number of years you can claim the
credit. The credit is worth up to $2,000 per
tax return. The LLC is a nonrefundable
credit, which means it can only reduce a
person's tax liability to zero and no part of the
credit can be issued as a refund. There are
income limitations for this tax credit.
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Loan Management
For Veterans or Servicemembers who have a
VA-guaranteed conventional or sub-prime
loan, the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) has a network of eight Regional Loan
Centers that can offer advice and guidance
during times of financial hardship.
Borrowers may visit the Home Loans
Information page, or call toll free -1-877-8273702 to speak with a VA Loan Technician.
However, unlike when a Veteran has a VAguaranteed home loan, VA does not have the
authority to intervene on the borrower's
behalf for conventional loans. It is imperative
that a borrower contact his/her mortgage
servicer as quickly as possible when faced
with financial hardship.
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Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
A Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) is an
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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organization that receives a matching grant
from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to
represent low income individuals who have a
tax dispute with the IRS, and to provide
education and outreach to individuals who
speak English as a second language (ESL).
LITCs provide representation before the IRS
or in court on audits, appeals, tax collection
matters, and other tax disputes. Clinics
provide information and education about
taxpayer rights to individuals for whom
English is a second language. Services are
provided for free or for a small fee. Although
LITCs receive partial funding from the IRS,
LITCs, their employees, and their volunteers
are completely independent of the IRS.
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Margin Protection Program for Dairy
The Margin Protection Program for Dairy
(MPP-Diary) is a voluntary program that
helps dairy producers protect the financial
"margin" between milk prices and the feed
costs incurred to produce that milk. Dairy
producers can choose among: (1) catastrophic
coverage, at no cost to the producer, other
than an annual $100 administrative fee; and
(2) various levels of buy-up coverage.
Catastrophic coverage provides payments to
participating producers of dairy operations
when the national dairy production margin
(defined as the difference between the
national all-milk price and average feed
costs) is less than $4.00 per hundredweight
(cwt) and cover 90% of the production
history. Producers may purchase buy-up
coverage that provides payments when
margins are between $4.00 and $8.00 per
cwt., and a coverage percentage of their
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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existing production history. To participate in
buy-up coverage, a producer must pay a
premium that varies with the level of
protection the producer elects. To receive
coverage, a producer must enroll annually;
pay the administrative fee, and premiums, as
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Medical and Dental Expenses Tax Credit
This program could reduce the Federal tax
you owe by deducting medical and dental
expenses from your taxable income. Medical
expenses are the costs of diagnosis, cure,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of
disease, and the costs for treatments affecting
any part of function of the body.
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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Mentored Career Development Program
The Mentored Career Development Program
provides opportunities for basic and clinical
research scientists to pursue additional
periods of supervised career development
beyond postdoctoral training.
Investigators in the initial phases of
establishing research careers utilize this
mentored career program to gain additional
expertise in new areas or in areas that would
significantly enhance their scientific career
potential. Sponsoring institutions and mentors
play important roles in the success of this
initiative. Upon completion of the mentored
research experience, investigators are
expected to become competitive independent
scientists capable of pursuing research issues
relevant to the mission of the National
Institute of Mental Health.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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National School Lunch and Breakfast
The National School Lunch Program and the
School Breakfast Program provide
nutritionally balanced meals to children as
part of their regular school day. These
programs are federally assisted meal
programs that operate in approximately
100,000 public and non-profit private schools
and residential child care institutions. To
learn if your child’s school participates in one
or both of these programs, contact your
child’s school or school district.
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Payments for Children of Women Vietnam
Veterans Born with Certain Birth Defects
Biological children of women veterans who
served in Vietnam may be eligible for a
monetary allowance and possibly vocational
training if the child(ren) have a birth defect
which resulted in a permanent physical or
mental disability.
The allowance is paid at one of four disability
levels based upon the child's degree of
permanent disability.
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Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological
Chemistry Research and Research Training
The Division of Pharmacology, Physiology,
and Biological Chemistry supports a broad
spectrum of research and research training
aimed at improving the molecular-level
understanding of fundamental biological
processes and discovering approaches to their
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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control. The goals of supported research
include an improved understanding of:
1) Drug action and mechanisms of anesthesia
2) Pharmacogenetics and mechanisms
underlying individual responses to drugs
3) New methods and targets for drug
4) Advances in natural products synthesis
5) Biological catalysis
6) Metabolic regulation and fundamental
physiological processes
7) Integration and application of basic
physiological, pharmacological, and
biochemical research to clinical issues in
anesthesia, clinical pharmacology, and
trauma and burn injury
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Property Improvement Loan Insurance
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
makes it easier for consumers to obtain
affordable home improvement loans by
insuring loans made by private lenders to
improve properties that meet certain
requirements. Lending institutions make
loans from their own funds to eligible
borrowers to finance these improvements.
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Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals
(QDWI) Program
The Qualified Disabled and Working
Individuals (QDWI) Program is one of the
four Medicare Savings Programs that allows
you to get help from your state to pay your
Medicare premiums. This Program helps pay
for Part A premiums only.
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Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Qualifying Individual (QI) Program
The Qualifying Individual (QI) Program is
one of the four Medicare Savings Programs
that allows you to get help from your state to
pay your Medicare premiums. This Program
helps pay for Part B premiums only.
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Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
(RSVP) provides grants to qualified agencies
and organizations for the dual purpose of
engaging persons 55 and older in volunteer
service to meet critical community needs and
to provide a high quality experience that will
enrich the lives of volunteers.
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Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program
The Scientific Cooperation Exchange
Program with the People's Republic of China
(SCEP) supports international exchanges that
promote agricultural development and
economic growth, and mitigate animal and
plant health issues that impede trade. This
unique program offers excellent opportunities
for U.S. teams of up to 5 members to initiate
linkages with potential long-term
collaborators at Chinese institutions
throughout the People's Republic of China
Under a special USDA Scientific
Technological Exchange Agreement with the
PRC, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture
specifically tailors two-week visits to China
to meet the scientific objectives of each team.
U.S. teams are responsible only for their
international airfare to and from China.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Seed Cotton ARC/PLC Eligibility
As with other “covered commodities” made
eligible for the Agriculture Risk Coverage
(ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC)
programs established with the 2014 Farm
Bill, Seed Cotton (unginned cotton
containing both cotton lint and cottonseed)
was established as a covered commodity in
the 2018 Bipartisan Budget Act, with
coverage available for the 2018
crop.  Former cotton lint base acres
may be converted to seed cotton base acres
and/or other covered commodity crop base
acres, and payments may be made on those
base acres if certain economic and other
conditions are met.  For information
on how Other covered commodities
enrollment was handled after the 2014 Farm
Bill, please see the Agriculture Risk
Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage
(PLC) Enrollment Fact Sheet.
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 Seed
Cotton Base Acre Allocation, Yield Update,
Election and EnrollmentFact Sheet contains
specific information for the newly ARC/PLC
eligible Seed Cotton
program.   Other ARC/PLC
information and data, including program
payments, enrollment contracts, program
definitions, and Frequently asked Questions
can be found on the FSA ARC/PLC Program
web page.
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Senior Companion Program
The Senior Companion Program provides
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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grants to qualified agencies and organizations
for the dual purpose of engaging persons 60
and older, particularly those with limited
incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical
community needs and to provide a high
quality experience that will enrich the lives of
the volunteers. Program funds are used to
support Senior Companions in providing
supportive, individualized services to help
adults with special needs in order to maintain
their independence.
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Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
The Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition
Program (SFMNP) provides low-income
seniors with coupons that can be exchanged
for eligible foods (fruits, vegetables, honey,
and fresh-cut herbs) at farmers' markets,
roadside stands, and community supported
agriculture (CSA) programs.
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Social Security Medicare Program
The Social Security Medicare Program is a
federally funded program administered by the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS). Medicare is our country’s health
insurance program. The Social Security
Administration (SSA) can provide you
general information about the Medicare
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Social Security Medicare Savings Program
The Social Security Medicare Savings
Program (MSP) is a federally funded
program administered by each individual
state. States have programs for people with
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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limited income and resources that pay some
or all of their Medicare premiums and may
pay Medicare deductibles and coinsurance.
There are four Medicare Savings Programs:
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)
Specified Low-Income Medicare
Beneficiary (SLMB)
Qualifying Individual (QI or QI-1)
Qualified Disabled & Working Individuals
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Social Security Spouse's Insurance Benefits
The Social Security Spouse Benefits are a
federally funded program administered by the
U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA).
These are benefits paid to the spouse of a
worker who receives Social Security
Retirement or Disability benefits.
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Social Services Block Grant
The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) is a
capped entitlement program that provides
funds to assist states in delivering social
services directed toward the needs of children
and adults. These services include:
1) Preventing, reducing, or eliminating
2) Achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency
3) Preventing neglect, abuse, or exploitation
of children and adults
4) Preventing or reducing inappropriate
institutional care
5) Securing admission or referral for
institutional care when other forms of care
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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are not appropriate
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Special Milk Program
The Special Milk Program (SMP) provides
milk to children in schools and other
institutions that do not participate in other
Federal meal service programs. Schools
participating in the National School Lunch
Program or School Breakfast Program may
also participate in the SMP if the milk is
provided to children who do not have access
to the school meal programs (for example,
children in half-day kindergarten and prekindergarten programs).
The program reimburses schools and other
institutions for milk served.
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Stafford Loans for Students
Direct Stafford Loans, from the William D.
Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)
Program, are low-interest loans for eligible
students to help cover the cost of higher
education at a four-year college or university,
community college, or trade, career, or
technical school. Eligible students borrow
directly from the U.S. Department of
Education (the Department) at participating
Stafford Loans are available for
undergraduate and graduate students and
come from Direct Stafford Loans made by
the U.S. Department of Education. You will
repay a Federal Direct Stafford Loan to the
U.S. Department of Education.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Direct Stafford Loans include the following
types of loans:
A subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of
financial need, as determined by the
information you submit on the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA).  If you are eligible for a
subsidized Stafford loan you will not be
charged interest while you are in school on an
at least half-time basis, during a grace period
of up to six months after you are no longer
enrolled on at least a "half-time" basis, or
during certain defined deferment
periods.  The Federal government pays
(subsidizes) the interest during these periods.
An unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the
basis of need.  But you still must apply
using the FAFSA.  For unsubsidized
loans, you will be charged interest from the
time the loan is disbursed until it is paid off
in full.  However, you can choose to
defer payment of interest while you are in
school and during any grace or deferment
period.  However, if you allow interest
to accrue (accumulate) during these periods,
it will be capitalized.  This means that
interest will be added to the principal amount
of your loan, and additional interest will be
based on that higher amount.
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Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)
The Student Career Experience Program
(SCEP) is a paid student program, which
offers you valuable work experience directly
related to your academic field of study. It
provides formal periods of work and study
while you are attending school. It requires a
commitment by you, your school, and the
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). You
may be eligible for permanent employment
after successfully completing your education
and meeting work requirements.
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Student Temporary Employment Program
Student employment provides an opportunity
to earn money and continue your education,
to train with people who manage the day-today business of the Federal government, and
to combine your academic study with on-thejob experience. Job opportunities under this
program offer you temporary employment
with the Department of Commerce.
Employment can range from summer jobs to
positions that last as long as you are a
student. These employment opportunities
need not be related to your academic field of
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Summer Food Service Program
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
provides nutritious meals at no cost to
children in low-income communities when
school is not in session.
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) is the largest federal
nutrition assistance program. SNAP provides
benefits to eligible low-income individuals
and families via an Electronic Benefits
Transfer card.  This card can be used
like a debit card to purchase eligible food in
authorized retail food stores. 
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Tax Benefits for Education
Certain tax benefits may be available to you
if you are saving for or paying educations
costs for yourself or another student who is a
member of your immediate family. Most
benefits apply only to higher education.
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Tax Counseling for the Elderly
The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
Program provides free tax assistance to
people who are age 60 and older. IRScertified volunteers provide free assistance
and basic income tax return preparation with
electronic filing to qualified individuals at
community locations across the nation. The
IRS enters into agreements with private or
non-governmental public non-profit agencies
and organizations, which will provide
training and technical assistance to volunteers
who provide free tax counseling services.
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Tax Relief for Divorced or Separated
There are certain special Federal tax rules for
divorced or separated individuals that can
result in a lower tax liability than would
otherwise apply.
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The Emergency Food Assistance Program
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
(TEFAP) helps supplement the diets of lowincome Americans, including elderly people,
by providing them with emergency food
assistance at no cost. Through TEFAP, the
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
purchases a variety of nutritious, high-quality
USDA Foods and makes
them available to state distributing
agencies. The amount of food each state
receives is based on the number of
unemployed persons and people with
incomes below the poverty level residing in
the state. States then provide the food to local
agencies, including Indian Tribal
Organizations and food banks, which in turn
distribute the food to local organizations,
such as soup kitchens and food pantries that
directly serve the public. States also provide
the food to other types of local organizations,
such as community action agencies, which
distribute the foods directly to low-income
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The Go Direct® Campaign
The Treasury Department's Go Direct®
national public education campaign informs
Americans of the change and helps them
understand what they need to do to get their
Federal benefit payments electronically.
Direct deposit is safer, easier, and gives
people more control over their money. Your
money goes straight into a checking or
savings account on payment day each month,
eliminating the risk of a delayed payment.
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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services is a Federal agency within the US
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
that administers the nation's immigration laws
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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relating to immigration benefits and services.
USCIS regulates permanent and temporary
immigration to the United States. This
includes legal permanent residence status,
non-immigrant status (e.g., tourists or
students), and naturalization.
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U.S. Participation at Venice and Cairo
Biennale Exhibitions
The U.S. Department of State supports the
U.S. participation at select international art
exhibitions called biennales. These programs
help U.S. museums, school, galleries, or
visual arts organizations participate in
international art exhibitions. Currently, the
State Department offers support for two art
exhibitions: the Venice Architectural
Biennale and Venice Art Biennale. These
programs were created to ensure that the
excellence, vitality, and diversity of
American arts are effectively showcased
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Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
The Udall Scholarship is a competitive,
merit-based award offered to sophomores and
juniors enrolled in an accredited college or
university. Each year, the Foundation awards
80 undergraduate scholarships of up to
$5,000 to students studying fields related to
the environment, and to Native American and
Alaska Native students studying fields related
to health care or tribal public policy.
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Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
The Uniformed Services Employment and
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
protects civilian job rights and benefits for
veterans and members of reserve
components. USERRA makes major
improvements in protecting service member
rights and benefits by clarifying the law,
improving enforcement mechanisms, and
adding Federal Government employees to
those employees already eligible to receive
Department of Labor assistance in processing
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Veterans Preference (VP)
Veterans who are disabled or who served on
active duty in the armed forces during certain
recognized periods, or in military campaigns,
are entitled to preference over other qualified
candidates from competitive lists of eligible
applicants. They are also provided protection
for retention consideration during reductions
in force (RIFs). Veterans preference entitles
veterans to employment preference for most
Federal civil service jobs.
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Veterans' Employment & Training Service
The Veterans’ Employment and Training
Service (VETS) proudly prepares America’s
veterans, service members and their spouses,
for meaningful careers, provide them with the
employment resources and expertise, protect
their employment rights and promote their
employment opportunities.
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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
(VITA) program offers free tax help to
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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people who generally make $54,000 or less,
persons with disabilities, the elderly and
limited English speaking taxpayers who need
assistance in preparing their own tax returns.
IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic
income tax return preparation with electronic
filing to qualified individuals.
Assistance is provided at community and
neighborhood centers, libraries, schools,
shopping malls, and other convenient
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Weatherization Assistance Program for LowIncome Persons
The Weatherization Assistance Program
(WAP) enables low-income families to
reduce their energy bills by making their
homes more energy efficient. Funds are used
to improve the energy performance of
dwellings families in need, using the most
advanced technologies and testing procedures
available in the housing industry. The U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) provides
funding to states, U.S. overseas territories,
and Indian tribal governments, which manage
the administration of the program. These
governments, in turn, fund a network of local
community action agencies, nonprofit
organizations, and local governments that
provide these weatherization services in
every state, the District of Columbia, U.S.
territories, and among Native American
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Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowships in the
Humanities and Social Sciences
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Insurance
This program can help individuals buy a
single family home in which they intend to
live. While U.S. Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) does not lend money
directly to buyers to purchase a home,
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
approved lenders make loans through a
number of FHA-insurance programs.
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The Woodrow Wilson Center awards
approximately 20 to 25 residential
fellowships annually to individuals with
outstanding project proposals in a broad
range of the social sciences and humanities
on national and/or international issues.
Topics and scholarship should relate to key
public policy challenges or provide the
historical and/or cultural framework to
illuminate policy issues of contemporary
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smARTpower sends American visual artists
abroad to collaborate with local artists and
young people around the world on the
creation of community-based art projects.
Focusing on direct community engagement
that encourages dialogue, experimentation
and creativity, this 45-day program is
designed to stimulate discourse around local
or global social issues including the
environment, education, health, girls and
women's issues and freedom of expression.
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Content tagged with Visual and Performing Artists
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Next Level
Next Level is an exciting initiative of the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs that uses a collaboration of
current music, spoken word, dance, and film to foster cross-cultural creative expression, understanding, and
conflict resolution in younger audiences in underserved communities overseas, and to support the professional
development of artists in those communities.
American Arts Incubator
American Arts Incubator uses new media and/or mural arts as a means for engaging youth, artists, and
underserved community members in overseas communities in Asia to advance U.S. foreign policy by addressing
a local community issue, such as women’s empowerment, HIV-AIDS prevention, social inclusion, conflict
resolution, and the environment.
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
The Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program sends approximately 800 American scholars and professionals per year
to approximately 130 countries, where they lecture and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and
professional fields.
DanceMotion USA
DanceMotion USA sends American dance companies overseas to connect with audiences and communities
through dance workshops, lecture demonstrations, public performances, and other arts education activities.
Venice Architectural Biennale
This program ensures that the excellence, vitality, and diversity of American arts are effectively showcased
abroad and provides an opportunity to engage foreign audiences to increase mutual understanding.
Arts Envoy
The Arts Envoy Program shares the best of the U.S. arts community with the world to foster cross-cultural
understanding and collaboration and to demonstrate shared values and aspirations.
American Film Showcase
This program brings award-winning American documentaries, feature films, and animated shorts to audiences
around the world.
American Music Abroad
These musical ambassadors reach beyond concert halls to interact with other musicians and citizens around the
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers fellowships for U.S. graduating college seniors, graduate students,
young professionals and artists to study, conduct research or be an English teaching assistant abroad for one
academic year.
The Arts Envoy Program shares the best of the U.S. arts community with the world to
foster cross-cultural understanding and collaboration and to demonstrate shared values
and aspirations. American arts professionals-- including performing artists, visual artists,
poets, playwrights, theatrical and film directors, curators, and others-- travel overseas to
conduct workshops, give performances, and mentor young people. Programs seek to
connect with international publics who might not otherwise have the opportunity to
engage with American arts professionals.
5 days to 6 weeks
Eligibility and Application Overview
Participants must:
Be at least 18 years old;
Be a U.S. Citizen;
Be an expert/professional practitioner in the arts field.
Application Details
Individuals and groups are selected by U.S. embassies in collaboration with the Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Money and Banks
Money and Banks
Tips to Protect and Access your Money while Abroad (U.S.)
Familiarize yourself with your bank’s policies before you go – unexpected fees or extra charges sometimes apply. However,
some banks have partnerships with other banks abroad, which may mean less fees for you.
Understand the financial system and research currency exchange rates at your travel destination
Inform your bank or credit card company of your travel plans so that their security measures do not freeze your account.
Ask if your bank has any branches at your travel destination or international banking partners where you could safely deposit or
withdraw funds as needed.
Review the Crime section of the Country Specific Information for your destination to review the financial and ATM scams that
may be targeting foreign visitors. If ATM service is not secure or available widely, bring travelers checks and one or two major
credit cards instead of cash.
Major banks in most countries will issue cash advances from major credit cards.
For emergencies, set aside sufficient funds in advance of your travel and designate a family member who could access your
accounts if needed.
Most hospitals require payment up front for any services, even in countries where healthcare is a public service. Most countries
only provide public healthcare service for their citizens and not foreign nationals.
Most banks may require a notarized power of attorney to provide account access to someone other than the primary account
holder. If you need to do this at your travel destination, U.S. consular officers serve as U.S. public notaries and can help you
notarize Powers of Attorney, Wills, and other documents for use in the United States.
U.S. consuls can assist Americans abroad who are temporarily destitute due to unforeseen circumstances. Americans who find
themselves in these circumstances should contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate or call the State Department’s
Office of Overseas Citizens Services at 1-888-407-4747 (during business hours) or 202-647-5225 (after hours). Consular
officers can help destitute Americans contact family, bank, or employer to arrange for transfer of funds. In some cases, these
funds can be wired through the Department of State.
Check here for more information on how a consular officer can help under these circumstances.
Keeping in Touch
Keeping in Touch
Staying in touch with family and friends is important while traveling abroad. Before you go, research all your options and
establish a communications plan that is practical and affordable.
Cell Phones, Pay Phones, and Calling Cards
Some cell phone companies allow you to rent or buy a temporary international cell phone; or you can use an international phone
plan from your current carrier.
Pre-paid phone cards also allow you to make international phone calls for a flat fee. The internet is also a great way to keep in
International Phone Card: Getting an international phone card is beneficial because you do not have to be concerned with bad
reception or lack of signal inherent in many cell phones. The cards can be recharged and can be purchased in the United States
or abroad.
Many pay phones these days do not accept cash. Instead, the phone cards can be swiped at the pay phone to make a call. Ask
your current long distance provider if they are able to give you discounted rates for international calls. A monthly fee will apply,
and your phone company can send you an international calling card with a special access number. However, you will be billed
the usual United States long distance rates. The cards can be used at regular landlines as well.
ISIConnect Card: The ISIConnect card is a prepaid, rechargeable phone card offered by the International Student Travel
Confederation (ISTC). ISTC also provides the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). Students studying abroad can get a
card and save up to 70 percent on calls in more than 150 countries. It can be recharged over the Internet or by phone, and the
voicemail it provides costs family and friends nothing to leave a message for the student.
Internet & E-mail
Find out if you will have access to the internet in your area. The internet is the most cost-effective way to communicate while
overseas. Instant messengers, email, and Skype are great ways to communicate. Finding an Internet café or other form of
Internet access may be difficult on short-term trips and may not meet your local calling needs.
Receiving Mail
If you will be abroad for an extended period, you may want to arrange for the delivery of your mail. Some banks and
international credit card companies handle mail for customers at their overseas branches. In addition, post offices in many
countries will hold mail for travelers under their General Delivery (Poste Restante) services. U.S. Embassies and Consulates do
not handle private mail. Check with the embassy of your destination country to see if that will be possible there. A listing of
foreign embassies and consulates in the U.S. is available on the Department of State’s website. Foreign embassy and
consulate contact information can also be found on the Country Specific Information for each country.
Create a schedule
Discuss what time of day you can be reached by family and friends before you leave. Contact your phone service provider to
discuss best plans for international calling. To save on telephone communication, set up a regular schedule for e-mailing, instant
messaging or talking via Skype.
Ashley D. ( United States )Arts EnvoyJordan
The Healing Power of Art
Art Therapist Ashley Door traveled to the centers of Zarqa, Ammon, and Aqaba to
introduce the healing power of art to Palestinian and Pakistani refuges living with the
trauma they’ve endured during their journeys.
“Jordan is a hub for the arts,” says Ashley. “But art as a therapeutic vehicle was very new
to them--so in a way we introduced this idea to the people. The point of art therapy is to
encourage people to express themselves. So we did three workshops a day with
different groups of women or children with exercises that allowed them to do just that.
Each week we were in a different city and had a big exhibit at the end. We would choose
about 150 pieces of art that the participants had created and display them.”
Ashley worked alongside the US Embassy in Jordan and admits she was blown away by
the warm welcome she received from the women and children and how open the groups
were to the idea of art therapy.
“I was really surprised at how receptive people were,” says Ashley. “I really thought I was
going to have a hard time because I am an American; and I was fully prepared for
resistance or skepticism. But the people were very welcoming and responded incredibly
“The women from Zarqa that I worked with are from a poor area and they are basically
just taking care of their children. They really didn’t have time to talk to other women or
time for themselves. They were so happy to just come together and make art.”
“One woman came all the way to an exhibit just to say thank you. It was so powerful
because we couldn’t speak to each other but understood what the other was saying.”
By the end of her trip, Ashley had fallen in love with the country of Jordan and ultimately
believes the greatest breakthroughs made during the tour were her own.
“I loved everything about the country,” says Ashley. “There is such a beautiful blend of
history and culture there. You have Petra and these old beautiful places; all this religious
history. But at the same time there are these modern aspects as well. I made some of
the best friends there. This experience made me want to explore so much more.”
“My conviction in this work has changed as well. I think working in my field for 10 years
had made me complacent. But to go to this country and have everyone be so excited
really just refreshed my commitment to this field. I realized that art can connect people
more than language can. It can heal.”
Participant Story
Colin H. ( United States )Arts EnvoyGeorgia
The "Tamada"
When Colin Hovde first arrived to the Republic of Georgia he immediately noticed the
social differences compared to those of the United States.
“There was a visceral quality of living in the absolute moment,” recalls Colin. “In America,
everything is so planned. We live in our planning of the future and reflections of the past.
But in Georgia, there’s this feeling that you can do whatever you want.”
“When the Soviet Empire fell, Georgia’s entire infrastructure was lost. Paata, a Georgian
friend I had grown very close to, asked me to imagine living in a country where
everything has fallen apart; to suddenly have no police force, no electricity, and no job.
Those events forced people to be in the moment; live in the now.”
Colin was in Georgia for 6 weeks to conduct play writing workshops and oversee a 24hour play festival.
“The 24-hour festival brings together 4 to 5 seasoned playwrights and gives them the
opportunity to write, rehearse, and perform a play in a 24-hour period. My piece was
entitled Euphoria: Something Better is Coming and was performed in a type of
promenade theatre—where the audience and theater are in the same space. There are
no seats, so the audience and performers get to interact. The play festival took place at
the National Theater of Georgia’s Roostaveli Theater.”
The 24-hour play festival drew crowds, news outlets, and the famous Georgian director
Robert Sturua. But aside from the fanfare, Colin grew to admire the unbreakable spirit
and tenacity of the Georgian people.
“One of the most beautiful aspects of Georgian culture is supra, or dinner,” says Colin.
When they sit down to dinner they elect someone called a Tamada—the Toast Master.
That person is to lead everyone through dinner with stories and merrymaking. Every 5 to
10 minutes the Tamada must have everyone regroup and give a toast. We toast to
everything from life, to happiness, and love of one’s country.”
“Around the dinner table is how they’ve held on to their national identity. I had the
pleasure of serving as Tamada one night—and though I was nervous—in that moment
what I feel in my close friendships in America, I felt towards the Georgian people.”
By the end of the trip Colin had gained friends, experiences and a new perspective.
“It was a very challenging experience but what I gained was empowerment,” affirms
Colin. I had the courage to direct a play festival in a foreign country in a foreign
language. It’s a breath of optimism and proof that if you work for something anything is
American Film Showcase
The American Film Showcase brings award-winning contemporary American
documentaries, feature films and animated shorts to audiences around the world,
offering a view of American society and culture as seen by independent filmmakers.
Funded by a grant from the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs and administered by the University of Southern California School of
Cinematic Arts, the Showcase highlights the value of film in fostering understanding and
cooperation, dialogue and debate.
Through the American Film Showcase, U.S. Embassies in 40 countries organize film
screenings, discussions and workshops in all areas related to film, such as production,
writing, animation, distribution and independent financing.
7-10 days
Eligibility and Application Overview
There is no application or submission process for American Film Showcase. Films are
selected by a committee to participate in the American Film Showcase program. Criteria
for selected films include:
High artistic quality;
Contemporary insights into American life and culture;
Explore issues affecting democratic societies;
Take into account cultural sensitivities of foreign public and appropriateness for
youth audiences;
Explore issues affecting democratic societies;
Offer diverse viewpoints and balanced treatment of subject matter .
Partner Contact Information
American Film Showcase Website