Application to Invite Guest Speakers from Outside of the Archdiocese of Vancouver Event Information Event Name: Event Location: Date: Organized By: Contact Person: E-mail: Phone: Purpose of Event: Does this event include a Mass? Yes No Will Mass be celebrated outside of a Catholic Church? Yes No General Information of Invitee Priest* Deacon Lay Person (check one below if applicable) Religious Sister * Will this visiting priest be celebrating Mass? Religious Brother Yes No Full Name: Title First Name E-mail: Last Suffix Phone: Current Diocese of Residence: Name of Current Bishop: Name of Religious Order (if religious): Name of Current Superior: Please return the completed form via e-mail to along with the following: Letter of Suitability from their Bishop or Religious Superior or Pastor’s Declaration of Suitability Letter of Invitation from the Pastor of the Parish where the event is being held or from the Director of the Group organizing the event. Please note that if the event is being celebrated outside of a Catholic Church, please also submit the Application to Celebrate Mass in the Archdiocese of Vancouver Outside of a Catholic Church. Upon receipt of this form, a letter of permission, or a Grant of Faculties for a visiting priest, will be issued once your application is approved. Application to Invite Guests from Outside of the Archdiocese of Vancouver Version as of November 16, 2018