Prof. Dr. Turgay İsbir

Research Interest
Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes
Cancer Research, Obesity
Turgay İsbir
BA: 1965- Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy
Phd: 1965- Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Biochemistry
Office: 0216 578 1263 /2195
Phone: 0533 282 3726
1. Atalan N, Karagedik H, Acar L, Isbir S, Yilmaz SG, Ergen A, Isbir T. Analysis of Toll-like Receptor 9 Gene Polymorphisms
in Sepsis. In Vivo. 2016 09-10;30(5):639-43.
2. Altinkilic EM, Isbir S, Gormus U, Yilmaz SG, Dalan AB, Duman S, Isbir T. RRM1, RRM2 and ERCC2 Gene
Polymorphisms in Coronary Artery Disease. In Vivo. 2016 09-10;30(5):611-5.
3. Findik O, Kunt AT, Yazir Y, Yardimoğlu M, Yilmaz SG, Aydin U, Rençber SF, Baris O, Balci C, Isbir T.Ticagrelor
Attenuates Apoptosis of Lung and Myocardial Cells Induced by Abdominal Aorta Ischemia/Reperfusion. In Vivo. 2016
4. Yencilek F, Yilmaz SG, Yildirim A, Gormus U, Altinkilic EM, Dalan AB, Bastug Y, Turkmen S, Turkan S, Isbir T.
Apolipoprotein E Genotypes in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2016 Feb;36(2):707-11.
5. Ozturk T, Kucukhuseyin O, Eronat AP, Tuzuner MB, Daglar-Aday A, Saygili N, Kisakesen HI, Seyhan F, Velidedeoğlu
M, Calay Z, Ilvan Ş, Yilmaz-Aydoğan H, Ozturk O, Isbir T. Preliminary Study: Prominent miRNAs of Breast Malignant
Tissues Compared to Normal Tissues in Turkish Patients with Breast Cancer . Anticancer Research 2015; 35(10):5425-5432.
6. Sivrikoz E, Timirci-Kahraman Ö, Ergen A, Zeybek Ü, Aksoy M, Yanar F, İsbir T, Kurtoğlu M. Gene expression levels of
elastin and fibulin-5 according to differences between carotid plaque regions. In Vivo. 2015 Mar-Apr;29(2):229-35.
1. The Relationship of Embryogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Angiogenesis. Uzay GORMUS, Seda GULEC YILMAZ, Emre
Murat ALTINKILIC and Turgay ISBIR. Tumor Angiogenesis, Avid Science, 2016
DNA Repair Based Therapy in Oncology and Neurodegeneration. Turgay Isbir, Uzay Gormus, Ozlem Timirci-Kahraman,
Arzu Ergen, Altay Burak Dalan, Seda Gulec-Yilmaz and Hande Atasoy. Advances in DNA Repair, Intech November 18,
Medical Biology
Faculty of Medicine; Phase 1 and Phase 2
Faculty of Dentistr; Phase 1
Faculty of Pharmacy; Phase 1
Molecular Medicine Master’s Program
Introduction to Molecular Medicine, Advanced Medical Biology, Analytical Methods in Molecular Medicine, Research in
Molecular Medicine, Nutrigenomics, Molecular Approach to Disease and Individual Treatment, From Research to Publication.
Molecular Medicine Doctorate Program
The Structure and Function of Macromolecules in Biological Systems, Molecular Medicine-A: Molecular Mechanisms in
Diagnostics and Treatment, Research and Analysis Methods in Molecular Medicine, Molecular Medicine-B: Molecular
Mechanisms in Diagnostics and Treatment, Structure and Function of Genes, Biological membrane structure and function,
Molecular Basis of Carcinogenesis,