10/11/2010 tarihinde CHP Konya Milletvekili Atilla Kart

Date : 2/1/2011
From : Katmerciler Araç Üstü Ekipman Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Investor Relations
Tel: 232 376 75 75 (6 Lines)
e-mail: yatirimci.iliskileri@katmerciler.com.tr
Sale of Financial Fixed Assets
Address of Partnership
Contact Details
Contact Details of Investor/Shareholder Relations Department of
Is the Disclosure up-to-date?
Is the Disclosure a correction?
Is the Disclosure a delayed one?
Date of previous Special Case Disclosure made on the issue
Brief Information
Date of Board of Directors Resolution
regarding Sale
Title of Sold Financial Fixed Asset
Field of Activity of Sold Financial Fixed
Capital of Sold Financial Fixed Asset
Conclusion Date of Transaction
Terms of Sale
Nominal Amount of Sold Shares
Price per Share
Total Amount
Ratio of Sold Shares to Capital of
Financial Fixed Asset (%)
Rate of Partnership in Financial Fixed
Asset after Sale (%)
Ratio of Voting Rights Owned After Sale
to Total Voting Rights of Financial Fixed
Asset (%)
Ratio of Sold Financial Fixed Asset to
Total Assets of Partnership in Last
Financial Statement Disclosed to Public
: 10032 Sokak No:10 A.O.S.B Çiğli/İzmir
Telephone: (0 232) 3767575 Fax: (0 232) 394 01
Telephone: (0 232) 3767575 Fax: (0 232) 394 01
: No
: No
: No
: : Sale of financial fixed assets
: 1/31/2011
: Kat Araç Üstü Ekipman Pazarlama ve Dış Tic.Ltd.Şti.
: Marketing
In case and in advance
: 90.00%
: 0.00%
: 0.00%
: 0.09% (9 per ten thousands)
Effect of Partnership Activities
Kat Araç Üstü Ekipman Pazarlama ve Dış Tic.Ltd.Şti. activity results
: will not be consolidated in the financial statements of our Company
following the completion of transfer transactions.
Amount of Profit/Loss due to Sale
Partnership shares profit to be calculated in accordance with IFRS
and shall be indicated in our financial statements of 3/31/2011.
How will the Sale Profit, if any, be
"Participation share sale profits" that will be obtained after stock
transfer shall be used in Company activities.
Date of Board of Directors Resolution
Specifying How will the Sale Profit, if any, : 1/31/2011
be Evaluated
Name/Title of Purchasing Party
Relation of Purchasing Party with
Method of Determining Financial Fixed
Asset Value
Preparation of Valuation Report
If not, Reason for not preparing Valuation
Amount Found after Valuation Report
Reasons if Transaction is not, or will not
be, Performed in accordance with Results
in Valuation Report
: Murat Tuncel
: Person is not related.
: Net Asset
: Report prepared.
Valuation is not required pursuant to Article 4 of No. 41, Serial IV, of
Since the value of company is fixed as (-) 60,591.56 TL in the
valuation report, value per share transfer of 25.00 TL, which is close
to nominal value of 30.00 TL, is determined by the Board of
: -
In meeting number 2011/07 dated 1/31/2011 of our Board of Directors:
All of 1,800 shares having a nominal value of 25.00 TL and amounting to 45,000 TL in total, which corresponds to 90%
of capital of Kat Araç Üstü Ekipman Pazarlama ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. and owned by our Company in the capital of Kat Araç
Üstü Ekipman Pazarlama ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. are decided to be sold to Murat Tuncel, in cash and in advance, with price of
54,000 TL.
At the end of share transfer our company shall not have any shares left in the capital of Kat Araç Üstü Ekipman
Pazarlama ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
9,000 TL participation sale profit that will take place in our legal records after transfer of shares shall be recorded on the
completion date of sale transaction. Participation share sale profit shall be calculated in accordance with IFRS in our financial
statements of 3/31/2011. This information shall also be provided in our annual financial statements that will be subject to
independent audit on 12/31/2010.